#BeerSaturday - Week 350


351 weeks of #beersaturday! That is 6 and 3/4 YEARS drinkin' every weekend! How sweet it is to be just getting started!

Being The Blockchain Beerologist definitely has its perks, including but not limited to getting paid to tour breweries and sample new beers! When I am not globetrotting or brewing my own beer, my fridge looks like a colorful mosaic of regional craft beer I enjoy sharing with the #beersaturday alliance of #beer bloggers on #hive.

This week, I am carousing with an old favourite and a couple new beers for the first time in a while!


Pint of the Week


The Pint of the Week enjoyed out and about is another from the Cameron's Brewing gift pack we received at https://www.towncriermarketing.ca We normally help local businesses bolster their online presence, contain digital marketing investment and promote sales through online promotion. This time, we dipped back into our I/T bag of tricks and helped a client with their business computers as a 1-off. Getting paid in BEER!

Collective Arts IPA!


It has been quite a while since I enjoyed and featured beers from Collective Arts Brewing. Not because I don't love their stuff or their IPA game has fallen off, actually I have enjoyed Life in the Clouds recently but like to focus on the latest and greatest for #beersaturday if I can help it.

Before, there was a new experimental, limited release IPA every couple months and that is like an endless well of new delicious beer to share! It has been a year or so since their numbered IPAs have made it to our shelves and I assumed they had stopped that line. Looky what I found!

Peak to Peak West Coast IPA No. 27!


I admit I walked by their section in the store and just glanced at all the familiar beers expecting not to find anything new. Then I saw IPA No. 27 staring back at me! Limited release? West Coast IPA? A new Collective arts? Hell yes to all of that!

Props to CA for the labels featuring independent artists like Avery Elias Design from Vancouver BC.


You can see it poured out nice and has a little air to it with that golden hue. A NICE bitterness without too much sweet but didn't taste as dry and rough as some Simcoe hopped beer is. Vic Secret and Chinook IPA hops with a little old school Centennial which I used to use in my Pislners back in the college brewing days.


What a tasty return to the numbered IPA series from one of the best in the biz up here. Here's hoping they pick up and there will be a 28 in the near future.


Beyond Reason


Another artistic pint caught my attention while in the CA section which resembles a mosaic canvas with all the different styles of art and contracting colours. Normally, I am into the heavier IPAs bursting with body, heaped with hops and resembling 3 beers crammed into 1 pint. I do appreciate the lighter ones for what they are and enjoy them in the summer where thirst beers are more of a thing. I spied this one on the shelf and had to grab one even though it is still winter.


Label art by [Sara Lee0(https://collectiveartsontario.com/blogs/the-can-vas/series-artist) from Brooklyn and I must admit the can doesn't do the piece justice.


As for the beer itself, Beyond Reason Micro Pale Ale is actually pretty good! Citra and Mosaic hops are my jam for IPAs and they combine nicely in this one despite the apparent lack of body and malt. Tasty enough and overly chuggable like a Great Lakes Sunnyside IPA!

Despite weighing in at only 2.9% ABV, I did enjoy this and might like to see it on the shelves again for the warm weather where I don't necessarily listen to an Indy playlist, but might enjoy a day pint or 2.




I like my kale with a silent K. Join me, @detlev , and the other beerologists and instantly become a beer blogger at this week's Beer Saturday gathering... @detlev/beersaturday-351

This week for #BeerSaturday, I am re-inviting new friend @wiseagent I have partied with Brazilians and they are lots of fun! Take a few pictures, tag #beersaturday and raise a glass with us on Hive!

Cheers to our global family of beer-drinkers!!




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