Eloknya Sungai Rayap di Panton Rayeuk Sa


Di Aceh banyak sekali lokasi wisata yang dapat dikunjungi. Jika kebetulan Anda berkunjung ke kawasan Aceh Utara dan ingin menghibur diri dengan suasana perpaduan antara sungai dan hutan, Sungai Rayap di Desa Panton Rayeuk Sa, Kuta Makmur, boleh jadi pilihan.

Rabu 6 Oktober lalu, saya dan beberapa kawan berkunjung kesana. Bagi saya ini pengalaman pertama melihat langsung keindahan alam di pelosok desa. Sungai Rayap bersebelahan langsung dengan Air Terjun Blang Kulam yang duluan tersohor.



Dari Matangglumpangdua, mengenderai mobil, butuh waktu sekitar dua jam untuk sampai ke Sungai Rayap. Di ujung perjalanan, pengunjung melewati ruas jalan sempit dan berbatu, memasuki perkebunan yang ditanami pohon sawit warga sekitar.

Suguhan alam Sungai Rayap lumayan indah, air yang mengalir melalui bebatuan sangat elok. Dikelilingi pepohonan dan ada air terjun yang tak terlalu tinggi. Kawan-kawanku seketika melakukan ritual pemandian, mereka tak sabar bergumul dengan jernihnya air Sungai Rayap.







In Aceh, there are many tourist sites that can be visited. If by chance you visit the North Aceh area and want to entertain yourself with the atmosphere of a combination of river and forest, the Rayap River in Panton Rayeuk Sa Village, Kuta Makmur, may be an option.

Last Wednesday, October 6, several friends and I visited there. For me, this is my first experience seeing the natural beauty in remote villages. The Rayap River is directly adjacent to the famous Blang Kulam Waterfall.



From Matangglumpangdua, by car, it takes about two hours to get to the Rayap River. At the end of the journey, visitors pass through narrow and rocky roads, enter plantations planted with palm trees by local residents.

The natural treats of the Rayap River are quite beautiful, the water flowing through the rocks is very beautiful. Surrounded by trees and there is a waterfall that is not too high. My friends immediately did the bathing ritual, they couldn't wait to struggle with the clear water of the Rayap River.

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