Book of Space Lore - SLZT Log 28


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This is a Chain story passed between @zakludick and @therneau. Each writer authors a post based on the events of previous episodes and carries on the story.

HOWEVER, @therneau is not avilable at the moment but has asked that @zakludick continue with the story for the time being on his own.

There is very little collusion between the writers as it is challenging to discover and develop a story by attuning the writing to the partner's plot, style, and presentation.

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Well, here I go, on my own for now.

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Space Lore Log SLZT #28

Thorne nodded at the Captain.

It was obvious why he should keep the ochophial secret from the rest of the crew as Captain Freyai suggested.

Ochophial was a rare and precious mineral that was so valuable that mutanies and insurrection were a common occurance where this mineral was involved. Money and power have a way to corrupt people.

He wondered at this strange Argidian that was working in the Captain's kitchen. Perhaps they were in even more danger from that direction. Yet there was no time to discuss that at this point. He would just have to ask her about the creature in her kitchen when they had more time.

They were forestalled in further talks about ocophial or anything too serious by the entry of three of Freyai's crew. All two of them seemed to be female bipedal races similar enough to humans but not quite while the third one did not seem remotely human.

All three of them saluted their Captain and sat down while Cantankerous Fool shuffled up to serve the crew, the Argidian's voice still friendly and bass.

One of the crew, a humanoid female that looked very youthful and attractive despite her slightly green tinged skin pointed at Thorne and the Captain. Tanker exploded in a youthful trilling and rushed off to the kitchen.

"Looks like they decided to order what we are having." Freyai remarked.

"Indeed." Thorne said as he placed another bite of the food into his mouth. He had cut up a piece of sausage and ate it with a slice of the omlette. Since they were unable to continue with their covert communication, he decided to find out more about the Captain and her crew he was now stuck with. "How long have you been Captain on this vessel?"

The Captain looked at him cooly, and he regarded her with an open expression. He felt that he may have touched a nerve here. "I have held the command of my own vessels for the last thirty cycles. This crew is fairly new, but they have been with me for 5 of those cycles."

"I see... miliraty cycles right? Around 6 month standard galactic?" He asked.

She nodded. "You know your terms. Did you serve time in the Core?"

Thorne shook his head. "Nah, I went to the Academy, but I did not cut it. No great warrior here. I did spend some time assisting the Core with repair work and deliveries and such, but I did not just did not pass my grades in shooting."

Freyai inclined her head. He would not tell her, but he had left that job and opted for prospecting because military people became disrespectful once they found out that he had never served in the core and had failed his shooting tickets in the Academy.

"Not all persons are meant to be fighters." Captain Freyai said suddenly. He looked at her startled and she looked at him with a gentle smile. "I understand what the tendancy is of the military of the Core and their behaviour towards civillians. But I have family that also never did service. I know how essential they are to society and sometimes the military-minded are closed minded."

Thorne nodded and said nothing. They finished their meal in silence and thanked Tanker when they were done.

"Thank you very much Chef Tanker. The food was prepared most deliciously! I especially loved the sausage and the cheese!" Thorne told the squat alien.

The rat-like creature clapped his hands and grinned. "Oh thank you Human! I am so proud that I have managed to recreate that dish so well! Everyone has been asking for omlette and sausage! This is my best day ever. I get to do what I love doing all day today!"

"I also found the Earth food very tasty." Freyai added. "I am sure more of our crew are going to ask for the meal."

They bid him farewell as more crew came to the mess and sure enough, they ordered the same meal.

Freyai led Thorne to a section of the ship reserved fro crew cabins. "We have a few extra cabins and bunks for additional occupants. I am sure you would like to rest for a few hours."

"Indeed. A prospector takes what rest he can get!"

The Captain nodded. "As does a soldier. I shall send someone to fetch you once we are ready to make landfall.

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Log SLZT #28 completed!

For now, this is passed back to myself until @therneau returns!

I am going to keep this one short as I am just dipping my toes back into the world!

by @zakludickby @therneau
SLZT Story
SLZT #15SLZT #16
SLZT #17SLZT #18
SLZT #19SLZT #20
SLZT #21SLZT #22
SLZT #23SLZT #24
SLZT #25SLZT #26/Q1
SLZT #27***
You are here SLZT #28***
by @zakludickby @therneau
Branch LogQueen
SLZT #26/Q1
Up Next SLZT.Q3***
by @zakludickby @therneau
New EarthSLKT
SLKT #2***
Up Next SLKT #3***

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The Reader List:
If you would like to be tagged in every episode of Book of Space Lore SLZT, leave us a comment and get added in, miss nothing!

@therneau and I have added in some people that have been following this story or some of our other stories.

@clairemobey, @merenludick, @lizelle, @joanstewart, @papilloncharity, @irisworld, @brittandjosie, @dibblers.dabs, @weone, @cryptoniusraptor, @shopnilhasan, @blitzzzz, @pravesho, @joetunex, @captainquack22, @braaiboy, @sketchygamerguy, @fuego-oscuro,, @thinkrdotexe, @aimeludick, @jusipassetti, @alonicus, @uop, @artywink, @loadreaper, @lex-zaiya, @casimirio, @wittyzell, @deeanndmathews, @rcaine

If, for any reason, you'd like to be removed from the list, you can mention that anytime.

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