Make simple mango salad at home

good night all friends, how are you all, hopefully all friends are always in good health.

tonight I want to share a little information about the benefits of mangoes, I'm sure all my friends will also like mangoes, I am one of those people who really like eating mangoes.

here I want to explain to my friends all the benefits of mango.

The health benefits of mangoes are that they can maintain heart health, besides that mangoes can also maintain healthy hair and skin, besides that mangoes can maintain the health of our eyes.

many may ask why do we have to eat mangoes?
The answer is that mangoes contain vitamin C which is good for the body.

even mango skin can be eaten and is rich in benefits, the benefits of mango skin are to launch the digestive system and can also lose weight.

I often process mangoes with various kinds of preparations including I often make mango salad in a simple and easy way at home, I will also share the recipe for making mango salad with all my friends.

The material needed is to prepare one mango then grate the small mango fruit.

add half a teaspoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar, and also 4 pieces of cayenne pepper (to taste)

then puree the chilies, and also salt combined with sugar using a spoon.

add all the chilies, salt, and sugar until evenly distributed, then add a little water.

then stir until smooth and salad can be served, enjoy, I hope you succeed.

today I made rujak and enjoyed it with my 4 year old daughter, she really liked it because I made it not too spicy, and I mixed it with drinking cold tea during the day, it tasted really good, friends.

maybe this is just a little benefit from the mango that I can describe, hopefully it will be useful for all of my friends, if there is an error in the writing of the word I apologize.

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