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Games of Thrones gave us House of the Dragon Spoilers (Eng /Esp)


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The second season of House of the Dragon already has two episodes, I am dealing with some anxiety about having to wait every Sunday for the next one, it is the first time I have seen a series like this waiting a week for the next one.

When I saw Game of Thrones, the series was in its last chapters, and I started watching it from the beginning until the last episode, meaning I didn't expect anything for it. Then, I watched the entire first season of House of the Dragon because the second season was already announced and I wanted to catch up.

Now, having to wait every Sunday is very difficult, so much so that I decided to rewatch Game of Thrones again this week. I won't be able to invent anything else, I have to wait for every Sunday.

La segunda temporada de House of the Dragon ya tiene dos capítulos, estoy manejando cierta ansiedad por tener que esperar cada domingo para el próximo, es la primera vez que veo una serie así esperando una semana para lo siguiente.

Cuando vi Game of Thrones la serie estaba por sus últimos capítulos, y empecé a verla desde el principio hasta coincidir con el último, es decir que no esperé nada por ella. Luego, la primera temporada de House of the Dragon la vi completa porque ya se anunciaba la segunda temporada y quise ponerme al día.

Ahora, tener que esperar cada domingo es muy difícil, tanto que decidí volver a ver Game of Thrones nuevamente esta semana. Ya no podré inventar nada más, tengo que esperar a cada domingo.

Since, as I told you, I watched the 8 seasons of Game of Thrones again, I was able to appreciate more closely that throughout the series they give us references to the event THE DANCE OF DRAGONS, to the fight for the throne by the Targaryen family.

The girl Shireen Baratheon is the only daughter of King Stannis Baratheon and his wife, Queen Selyse Florent. She reads a book and tells her father about the events of the current House of the Dragon series, and I quote below:

"The story of the Dance of Dragons, the fight between Rhaenyra Targaryen and her half-brother Aegon, for control of the 7 kingdoms. Both believed they deserved the Iron Throne, when people took sides for one or the other, the The fight divided the kingdom in two, brothers against brothers, dragons against dragons, by the time it was over thousands had died, it was a disaster for the Targaryens too, they were never able to recover."

Dado que como les comenté volví a ver las 8 temporadas de Game of Thrones, pude apreciar con más atención que durante toda la serie nos dan referencias al evento LA DANZA DE LOS DRAGONES, a la pelea por el trono por parte de la familia Targaryen.

La niña Shireen Baratheon es la única hija del rey Stannis Baratheon y su esposa, la reina Selyse Florent. Ella lee un libro y le comenta a su padre sobre los acontecimientos de la actual serie House of the Dragon, y cito textualmente a continuación:

"La historia de la Danza de Dragones, la lucha entre Rhaenyra Targaryen y su medio hermano Aegon, por el control de los 7 reinos. Ambos creían que merecían el Trono de Hierro, cuando las personas tomaron partido por uno u otro, la lucha dividió el reino en dos, hermanos contra hermanos, dragones contra dragones, para cuando terminó miles habían muerto, fue un desastre para los Targaryen también, nunca pudieron recuperarse"

Shireen Baratheon y su padre Stannis Baratheon

I was very sorry for the death of the character of Princess Shireen Baratheon, but if I remember that the first time I watched this series I didn't pay attention to this story about the Targaryens, I thought it was irrelevant. However, this second time I saw it I was shocked that we were given so much information about the outcome of this story.

There are other small gifts that they give us throughout the series, above all I realized that they told us a lot about the Mad King, the betrayal they did to him and his end, but since House of the Dragon is supposedly not going to get there , I won't talk to you about these, but I will talk about another quite explicit and important spoiler that they left us:

Lamenté mucho la muerte del personaje de la princesa Shireen Baratheon, pero si recuerdo que la primera vez que vi esta serie no le presté atención a esta historia sobre los Targaryen, pensé que era irrelevante. Sin embargo, esta segunda vez que la vi quedé impactada con que se nos haya dado tanta información sobre el desenlace de esta historio.

Hay otros pequeños regalos que nos hacen a lo largo de la serie, sobre todo me di cuenta que nos hablaron mucho sobre el Rey Loco, la traición que le hicieron y su final, pero como supuestamente House of the Dragón no va a llegar hasta allá, no les hablaré sobre estos, pero si sobre otro spoiler bastante explícito e importante que nos dejaron:


El rey Joffrey y

The previous image does not reflect the moment that I am going to mention, I only placed it as a reference for the characters involved, King Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell in season 4.

Our hated Joffrey gives Margaery a tour and tells her about the end of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and verbatim tells her the following:

"Rhaenyra Targaryen was killed by her brother, or rather her dragon. She ate her while her son watched. What's left of her is buried in the crypts down there."

La imagen anterior no refleja el momento que les voy a mencionar, solo la coloqué como referencia de los personajes involucrados, el Rey Joffrey y Margaery Tyrell en la temporada 4.

Nuestro odiado Joffrey le da un tour a Margaery y le cuenta sobre el final de Rhaenyra Targaryen, y textualmente le dice lo siguiente:

Rhaenyra Targaryen fue asesinada por su hermano, o más bien dicho su dragón. Se la comió mientras su hijo miraba. Lo que queda de ella está enterrado en las criptas allá abajo.

Rhaenyra Targaryen

As I mentioned before, throughout the GOT series they gave us historical references about the Dance of Dragons, about the Mad King, and anyway they always told stories that I didn't pay attention to the first time I saw it, but this past week they I saw them for the second time, if I was able to appreciate them and pay close attention to them. These two that I mentioned are the ones that impacted me the most.

Como les mencioné anteriormente, durante toda la serie GOT nos dieron referencias históricas sobre la Danza de Dragones, sobre el Rey Loco, y en fin ellos siempre contaban historias que no le presté atención la primera vez que la vi, pero esta semana pasada que la vi por segunda vez, si pude apreciarlas y prestarles mucha atención. Estas dos que mencioné son las que más me impactarón.

El Rey Loco

Well, the series we watch streaming are "adaptations" of the books, maybe certain things change, they don't necessarily have to stick to the books. I think they can even tell us other events and tell us that history will remember them with other events that will be known later, I don't know.

What I know is that the Targareyens as such cannot all die, we know that we must get to the Mad King and Daenerys Targaryen, who I remember were only her and her brother left, and as a final twist on the matter, Jon Snow turned out to be a Targaryen.

Bueno, las series que vemos en streaming son "adaptaciones" de los libros, tal vez cambien ciertas cosas, no necesariamente se tienen que apegar a los libros. Pienso que incluso nos pueden contar otros acontecimientos y decirnos que la historia los recordará con otros eventos que serán conocidos luego, no lo sé.

Lo que se es que los Targareyen como tal no pueden morir todos, sabemos que debemos llegar al Rey Loco y a Daenerys Targaryen que recuerdo solo quedaban ella y su hermano, y como último giro al respecto Jon Snow que resultó ser Targaryen.

Daenerys y su hermano

Well, I'll keep trying to manage my anxiety and endure waiting until Sunday to watch the next episode of House of the Dragon, which has officially become my Sunday soap opera.

A wonderful story, although I already love it, I must confess that I still don't feel like it surpasses Game of Thrones, not even its first season, although it is a great option because it is a great story.

Bueno, seguiré tratando de manejar mi ansiedad y soportar esperar hasta el domingo para ver el próximo capítulo de House of the Dragon, que oficialmente ya se convirtió en mi telenovela de los domingos.

Una historia maravillosa, que aunque ya la amo, debo confesarles que todavía no siento que llega a superar a Game of Thrones, ni siquiera a su primera temporada, aunque si es una gran opción porque es una gran historia.

House of the Dragon Trailer Season 2 Episode 3




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