Visiting Meier Miniramp with the new SubMayor


Some months ago we approved the proposal #3 in Gnars Dao ⌐◨-◨ to refurbish an iconic spot in honor of an iconic local here (Jadson Brian R.I.P)



A lot of internal meetings, meetings with politicians, and a very hard to get authorization from the Sports Secretary we had no success on actually getting to start it. And here is why:

The past subMayor was a political rival of the current Sports Secretary and he didn't want to "share the credit"with the office that gave us the authorization. Which is lame as fuck once we have everything ready (even the money) to as citizens improve this beloved area that is abandoned by the powers of the city. As if was not bad enough the City not giving any attention for the area, they were actually blocking cititzens that organized themselves and were offering their time, money and expertizes to make that square a better place.

As this year, is an election year, this bad actor that was ruling against our authorization and idea decided to run for a higher position and he had to be replaced by someone that appear to be a nicier guy and connected with the Secretary that is helping us. (Polictics, am I right?)

This morning we had an morning encounter with this new Sub Mayor


He saw our project , catch up with all the details and read the authorization we got


He analyzed the document and he said that it was more than enough for us to start !


Classic After Politcs Meeting Pic


I got Stoked so I borrowed Tio Verde's eyes and we did some fast pics to celebrate (Btw, all pics of this post are TioVerdes, just sad that he does not have a hive account yet)

Fs Sendit one Foot


We all know thats an easy one, but damn that looks cool hehehe

Fs Tango Nose


Fs Flying Member


I am not skating with those Lakais yet, so i couldnt get much height , thats ok for a meeting ehehe



Me and Pharra the Skateboarder Archtect , we both drank coffe and forgot to brush our teeth this morning

Thats it CryptoSkaters and CyberSurfers, lets keep skating, nerding, connecting and fighting for a better city with the knowledge skateboard gave us.

And lets all hopt that my next post is about the beginning of the construction.


Commemorative Sendit Enjoy Mint

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