Show Me Your Working Space

From Mutual Benefit's "Not For Nothing" video.
GIF can be found HERE.

We all have that special place where we work hard on our HIVE posts. For me, since I live in an RV and do not have a room dedicated to my work, I sit in my recliner with the laptop on my lap. This is also my crafting space as well. You can see I have a fold-away table to hold the various crafting bits, pens, and other things I use daily.


I have an Alienware laptop that has a lot of storage space and an Intel Core i7 processor inside so I have plenty of power to process photos and videos. If you look you can see @scottf sitting in his recliner resting. He actually has a man cave we call "Studio" and it is there he processes his photos, plays various instruments, and keeps track of the camping equipment.


I love stickers of the places we have visited. If you remember, the little blue truck we use to own had a full tailgate of park stickers as does the SUV Edgr. Unfortunately, I am tired of losing my stickers when we switch vehicles so I began putting them on my laptop. Here you will see I found a Bigfoot sticker from our trip to Pikes Peak ( I may not have found the elusive beast, but I found his sticker!


Most of the time, however, I do my quick posts (like this one) on my cellphone. This enables me to post wherever I am. It amazes me that I have more computer processing power in my hand than Apollo 13 had in the whole spaceship! My phone at this time is a Samsung Galaxy S9. It is almost always with me and has proven to be a very helpful device when it comes to documenting our travels.


So where is it that you work on your HIVE posts? Do you have an office like Scott? Or do you take up space somewhere in your home? I would really like to know and, if you are brave enough, I would love to see your working space.


Today's Song is Mutual Benefit's
Not For Nothing

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