German Navy ditches epic floppy disks from its warships after 30 years

While the swiss goes forward and even open sources her gov code

public money, public code

Germany is a bit slower.. :D

German Navy ditches epic floppy disks from its warships after 30 years

The F123 frigates use floppy disks in their DAQ systems, crucial for controlling various ship functions, including power plants.

It might be hard to believe, but floppy disks are still in use for official purposes in a few nations. The device can hold a meager 1.44 MB storage capacity (by today’s standards). That hardly has enough memory to hold a three-minute MP3 audio file.

The German Navy still uses floppy drives on its four Brandenburg class F123 frigates. Now, according to a German news outlet, it plans to replace them with a modern emulation-based solution as part of phasing out the outdated storage device.

The frigates’ data acquisition (DAQ) systems rely heavily on floppy disk drives, which have been in service since the ships’ mid-1990s commissioning.

In a comparable development in recent times, Japan announced in January 2024 that it would abolish the long-standing policy of requiring companies to provide additional data on floppies (or CD-Roms).

The F123 frigates use floppy disks for their onboard DAQ systems, which are crucial for controlling various ship functions, including power plants. These systems record essential operating parameters. The F123 frigates specialize in anti-submarine and air defense warfare.

Despite the availability of modern alternatives, the German Navy has continued to use these outdated floppies because established systems are considered more reliable.

According to Augen geradeaus, instead of overhauling the entire data acquisition system, the government plans to develop and integrate an onboard emulation system to replace the floppy disks.

So they emulate their war ships like we do with old game consoles.. lol

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