Canada bullying average citizens. Coinbase and Kraken CEOs having their backs!

Hi HODLers,

What happened recently in Canada despite if you are pro or against COVID measures has been shameful.

Canada has always been known to be a free place where restraint and rule of law was applied. I am not shocked by the fact that they would use police to clear the streets of Ottawa. I am shocked that they would freeze GoFundMe or other financing means from average citizens and go after them! It surely looks like something dictatorships would do...

I also see a lot of extreme liberals (US understanding of the term) claiming that it is great. How would they have felt if supporters of BLM or other groups were hunted down by their own government? Sometimes you should just put yourself in someone else shoes to agree that some things are wrong. Period.

Kraken and Coinbase stepping up !

Whether you like B.Amstrong or not, he is standing firm for Crypto and against government over-reach...

Both CEOs emphasized how self-hosted wallets were important !


Kraken's CEO even added an important tip when funding causes:

You should NOT fund *""directly from custodial wallets,"" and should "withdraw to non-custodial" wallets before sending those!


I did not know but Kraken's CEO previously donated to the convoy protests, sending one Bitcoin to HonkHonkHodl.

The Mareva Injunction restrained protestors from

"selling, removing, dissipating, alienating or transferring" any of the assets raised in relation to the convoy protests.

It also targeted assets held by protesters or supporters in prominent Canadian banks like TD Canada and ATB Financial.

We live in a crazy world and I will never forgive Trudeau and Canada for letting this happen. This is something you expect in China or Russia, not Canada.


Stay safe out there,



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