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The so called healthy beverages!

Hello Everyone, Namaste


How are you doing? Beverages and Drinks are a part of all festivity and celebrations. I don't drink at all and never did. So i don't have much idea about alcohols. However Beer and Rum are the most popular and widely consumed alcoholic beverages in India. Now there is also an increase in craze of Consumption of Wine also. Nashik City of Maharashtra is quite popular for production of wine. Then we have local and traditional alcohol drinks as well.

Personally I try to avoid any sugery or carbonated drinks. However, in family functions, celebrations and even a general get-together is enjoyed with cold drinks here. There is a widespread consumption of carbonated drinks in India. Then there are artificial flavored fruit juices. The so called fresh and healthy juices are also growing in popularity and consumption in India. These packaged fruit juices comes in different flavours and are readily available as one of the preferred beverages.


However little do we know about these so called packaged fruit juices that they are just filled with sugar, artificial flavours, preservatives, colours, regulators etc. So these are not healthy for sure. Consumption of these drinks should be avoided. But it's sad to see people are enthusiastically consuming them in the false notion of a healthy drink. Moreover they are pass on these drinks as healthier alternatives to other carbonated drinks. Truth being told, carbonated drinks and packaged juices are equally harmful for health. Consumption of these drinks once in a while is ok. As excessive of everything is build, the should be replaced with other homemade health alternatives.

I always prefer eating fresh fruit instead of juices. As juice extracts fiber and we are mostly left with sugar. Even if we want to enjoy fruit juices, then they should be prepared with fresh fruits at home only. Say no to packaged fruit juices. Then Lemonade is a simple and very easy cool beverage. Lemonade is preferred usually in summers and have relaxing and hydrating benefits. Coconut Water is also great health drink with many benefits. Fresh coconut water not only replenish thirst, but also replenish body with its richness. Always have fresh water and not the one packaged coconut water becoming popular nowadays. Buttermilk is also a famous and popular drink in India. Buttermilk is rich in calcium and have cooling effect on the body. It's one of the best drinks to enjoy in summer. I also enjoy cold coffee in summers, however i try to keep it very minimum as it is high in calories and sugar intake.

It's really heartening to see how the beverage industry is promoting packaged drinks. Due to the misleading claims, promotions and lack of awareness among people the packaged beverage industry is so popular with its demand rising so much. So are a fan of packaged beverages? Which is your favourite packaged beverage?

This post is in response to today's Inleo writing prompt. If you are looking for topics to write on, do checkout the post for April month prompt here: @leo.tasks/april-inleo-monthly-calendar-now-here