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The Power of Perseverance!

Hello Everyone, Namaste β˜ΊοΈπŸ™


How are you doing? Learning is the most important part and skill of our lives. We learn thoroughly as we grew up and there is always something new to learn everyday. As kids we learn from the basics to professional courses in school and college. This academic learning provides us insights and develops our cognitive functions and shapes our thoughts and widens our knowledge. There are different ways and methods of learning. We also develops and customize our own way of understanding and learning. Each individual has his own way of studying, learning and understanding. Some of us are active and quick learners, they catch and grasp everything so quickly, however there are many just like me 😁 who need repetitive revisions to understand things.

Rote learning is quite famous and popular. However it is not something highly recommended. I had seen many peers in my school who scored good grades just because of their rote learning, they simply memorize the class notes and books. This has never been my style. I had always tried to first understand the concepts and basics and then try to learn it. I was so much driven by interests as I put interest into topics and subjects that excited me. However then there are subjects that i happened to excel only because of my inherited interest. I had understood it very early that in learning we need to have patience and compassion. Learning can be slow and sometimes a bit boring but if practiced with perseverance it is a habit.

I had overcome my fears of academics and failures with perseverance. This quality has made me an entirely different person. In my high school I was struggling very hard in mathematics. Maths always gave me goosebumps and i was a bit phobic to it. This phobia took me away from the interest of the subject and i somewhere blocked myself learning it. But after getting very low marks in the mid term, i tried to tackle my fear. I started with basics and started devoted few hours to study mathematics each and everyday. On weekends, I revised whatever i studied during the week. It was so frustrating and hard in the beginnings but I had made my mind that anyhow I just need to finish the syllabus for once. I somehow finished the syllabus once within a month but it didn't gave me much help and confidence. But then also i thought of revising the syllabus once more. To my surprise this time I was to able to finish the syllabus in just less than 20 days. This time I had better clarity on concepts and also developed some confidence. Then i repeated the intense revision technique to do multiple revisions and in just a month i completed three revisions. This resulted in confidence boost, better understanding and realisation of habit of consistency. Then i adopted the multiple revisions and perseverance habit in other subjects as well. This resulted in giving me good results and also helped me do away with all my fears of learning.

In short, if we are afraid of something or find something hard to learn the just do it again and again until you get it. That's it. This is related to everything we want in Life. Whatever you want to achieve or desire, simply work towards it slowly and steadily. It may be impossible first few times but after multiple attempt it will definitely seem easier than before. Learning is a lifelong process and we should keep the students inside us alive always. In adult life we need to keep ourselves updated and upskilled and we also need to prove our worth at the workplace. I had understood that no body is a born genius but we just make our way around in the process. Always keep learning and keep improving. Make the best version of yourself.

This post is in response to today's Inleo writing prompt. If you are looking for topics to write on, do checkout the post for April month prompt here: @leo.tasks/april-inleo-monthly-calendar-now-here