Holozing-Branded Exercise Books Hit the Shelves!

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Holozing-branded Exercise books by Yours truly

I'm glad to introduce these exclusive "Holozing-branded" editions of exercise books! This has been a long-hatched model of marketing Hive Dapps to an audience off the chain. I believe that with this strategy of marketing, we can make Hive a household name for the young and old. Some of us grew up desiring some brands because we saw their logos when we were young and on books.

As a dedicated advocate for the "Holozing game and the value it can bring to other projects on Hive and the entire Blockchain. I'm thrilled to share this sneak peek of these branded exercise books. This is an experiment of my commitment in promoting this web3 game to both players and investors.

The excitement around the Holozing game is reaching new heights, second to none in the web3 sphere. The acceptance of the game with no gameplay yet as signaled by the growing community of users is an indication of a greater future of adoption. Lending my voice in the marketing of this groundbreaking game through these exercise book designs is just the beginning of my adventure in ensuring more people play the game and talk about it on Hive blogs, utilizing an interface like INLEO for both long-form content and microblogs.

A Glimpse into the Holozing Universe

The book cover design had a 4-paragraph summary of what the Holozing game represents to my understanding. Tis is to giove anyone that reads a fair idea of what to expenct if they jump inot th game. Hive blockchain was mentioned. Holozing and Hive websie address were also mentioned. As captured in the book Design, I summarized Holozing Game in these four paragraphs.

HoloZing is a Web3-enabled collectible-based catching, training, and battling game. It draws strong inspiration from classics like Pokémon and World of Warcraft.

HoloZing is set in the 2040s, in a world where global gaming networks are common and digitized realities are the norm. Players take on the role of a futuristic gamer who uses the proprietary Holo-Lens device to access the world of the HoloZing game, duel with other players, gain fame and glory in esports leagues, and more.

HoloZing is designed with a sense of accomplishment, competitiveness, smart incentives and an ever-growing and evolving ecosystem that allows for cross-compatibility of in-game assets. Most importantly, the capacity to share the value generated by everyone participating. HoloZing aims to give players a taste of the future, today.

The game’s economy and assets are backed by the robust Hive blockchain and ecosystem, enabling play-to-earn and play-to-own mechanics.

The Design Procedure

  • Software: Corel Draw Graphic Suit X7
  • Fonts: Grinched, Globold uplow and Calibri
  • Colour codes and materials: See Infographic below

  • First, I got the relevant Holozing creature files, Holozing logos, and other background materials that will be used in the design.

  • I set up the design page. The exercise book sizes used in Nigeria are 16.535 by 11.693 in inches.

  • The relevant materials were treated as necessary and imported to the design page

  • I took time to add my creativity to the "Holozing" font. The choice of Grinched was to make it attractive to a young game-loving class.

  • I summarized the Holozing game in four paragraphs and this was added to the book's back cover.

  • The treated images and background colours were added.

  • Finally, other educational details were added to the back of the book.

  • Documents were exported for printing and further craft to make it a tangible book.

Below are screenshots:

The Printing and Finishing Procedure

Printing using a Minolta Direct Image coloured printer. Below are photoshots of the priting and finishing procedures.

It was just a good sight to behold. I can't wait to be able to have these book designs flood the stationery market in this part of the world. Please share your thoughts on what you think about the books and how the designs can be any better.

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This post was created via INLEO, What is INLEO?

INLEO's mission is to build a sustainable creator economy that is centered around digital ownership, tokenization, and communities. It's Built on Hive, with linkages to BSC, ETH, and Polygon blockchains. The flagship application: Inleo.io allows users and creators to engage & share micro and long-form content on the Hive blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Uyobong3

Discord: uyobong#5966

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