Guest Participation in Polls will add Big Value to Project Blank?

I have been so obsessed with the possibilities that can be unlocked with Project Blank especially with the addition of the Polls feature which would be one of the top features that would drive mass adoption. This is because many people have been a victim of unfair polls but LeoThreads here presents us with a decentralized version of social polling that is autonomous, scalable, fast, immutable & Tamper-proof.


The possible applications of Project Blank polls are just countless from elections to business usage to usage in schools and in research as I portrayed in my last post. I see polls be the bait that brings the masses to Project Blank and Hive in general.

LeoFinance has always been on the lead when it comes to designing sustainable and self-serving systems. With the LeoAds feature on Project Blank, we are sure that the massive numbers that other features would bring to threads would be maximized for profitability. Every new user and additional thread as well as JSON transactions means more revenue for the LeoFinance community which holds a ripple effect on investors and stakeholders. That being the case, keeping no stone unturned in making the most of every visit to Project must be assured.

Some time ago on Hive, guest user was a thing. I remember vividly on Threespeak, guests could comment on videos and even receive upvotes which could only be claimed when they claim their free accounts. We also know that hive accounts created by Splinterlands game and Genesis League Sports platform are guest accounts until the users claim their Hive accounts. LeoInfra has also given us the opportunity to onboard a new user via MetaMask or Twitter and they have to claim their accounts later on.

I see a future of Project Blank where guest user activities can be accommodated especially with polls participation. This is What I mean:

  1. Brand A decides to use Project Blank to get Feedback for their product/service.
  2. Brand A creates an account on Hive and creates a poll on Project Blank.
  3. Brand A shares the link to their poll on other Socialmedia to reach their clients who may not be hive users.
  4. Brand Consumers A and B are Hive users and they login Hive to vote their preferences.
  5. Brand consumers C and D have never heard of Hive but they need to vote their preferences on their brand's poll.
  6. Brand consumers C and D can quick-signup via LeoInfra from whatever Socialmedia they saw the poll advert and they are assigned guest accounts.
  7. Brand consumers C and D does not need to claim their Hive keys and understand the rigours of blockchain login, but they have a quick access to vote on the poll.
  8. Brand users C and D get upvotes on their poll participation and they are curious because they were notified that they've received a crypto reward for participating in the poll as a guest user.
  9. Brand consumers C and D gets to interact more on Project Blank and eventually claim their Hive keys and rewards, for further hive activities.
  10. Brand consumer C and D activities on the poll has already increased the ads impressions and revenue for Project Blank and it all adds value to the system.


I believe that polls participation should have the least barriers to entry to allow non-hivers to seamlessly lend their voice in the decision making process of their choice brand who seek to use Project Blank to create their polls.

Moreover, in creation of a poll by a brand, there should be an option to subscribe to an ad placement which can be paid for with Fiat for the ads to be placed on project Blank and Hive front-ends for more visibility. I think that would be another stream of revenue for LeoAds.

We're still in the beginning of things but I see Project Blank evolve into something bigger than we imagined.


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What is LeoFinance?

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

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