My Son was Injected by Anti Rabbies

Hello everyone it's been a while since I write here and expect me to be busy every Friday and Saturday the reason is hubby is here with us. He spent his two days off with us but of course he add more of my chores because even in his day off he catches fish for extra source of income. And also an added fish in our refrigerator, there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages living in my Water World and one is we have a lot fish to eat and my intro is getting long let's hit the main Topic.



Today is the last vaccine of my son's anti rabbies as you look closely to the photos above you need to be injected three times. Day 0 Day 3 and last Day 7 those days you also need to observe the animal that had bitten on you. And all starts when my mother in law told my son to fed the dog 🐕 if you remember we evacuated in their house after the Bagyong Karding I observed that it's Okay for them to let my son to the feeding of the dogs. I wasn't agree but my in-laws said my son wants that chore. In heart and mind I was really worried but don't get me wrong my son grew up in them first they only borrow my Son JJ unti I cant get it back to them I just let them because my son has better life in them.

Until one afternoon it's Saturday I was curious because they usually return my son by Sunday because I'm the one who'll brought him to school. My oldest child fetch JJ to the road then I saw my son didn't ride on our boat and as daughter returned home I was schocked that my mother in law is asking where my son could be vaccinated anti Rabbies and said asked what happened? Her grandmother told her that his sibling jj was scratched by their dog after feeding it. In my mind guess it will happen but they didn't listen, I don't what will be my reaction, the worst it was Friday tomorrow all the public hospitals that has an Anti Rabbies shot are closed. As I talk to my Mother in law i saw she was very worried, but good that my son had only have scratched but it's good to prevent it. And we have to wait until Monday the only hospitals left are the private ones that cost around $25 per shot that was too expensive luckily the owner of the vaccine card is our uncle he told us that this hospital offers free medicine you just need to patient in falling in line.




It's been a long ride bad i trusted my husbands friend so much that I thought he knows the hospital but on our way we encounter flood we thought that his trycycle can pass by but it the flood was too much it will wet us all.


As we arrived we directly go into the information both fill up the piece of paper, we were just outside because it's a public hospital expect the rules no noisy one companion of the patient. And worst they lastly accommodate the patient that will having the first dose. So we wait for hours and eat porridge for snacks it was hot I pitty my kids but we have no choice but to wait. We also paid $2 for the expenses that's a lot of dk Compared to private one's.

In conclusion

Never trust the safetyness of your kids specially if your not sure what will happen next, like my son he was told to feed the dog. And Rabbies needs a lot of prevention because it will directly damage a persons brain so if your been bit by any creatures be sure to have an anti rabbies shot. My son has only scratched by prevention is better than cure. look at Ria she was so tired and fall asleep


Thank you so much for your wonderful time hope to see in my next blog.

love, @usagigallardo015 🌙

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