Holy Silver - Part 6

Back with another silver piece of Greek Orthodox iconography, this time one on the more modern side!

Unfortunately, it's also the one with the least silver in it, but more on this later.

Let's first see it:


As you can see, it's a modern, simplistic interpretation of mother Mary and baby Jesus, or Theotokos as she is commonly known in our place.

If memory serves me right, it was gifted to us for the christening of our son, about a year ago.

A closer look on the details:




I really love the combination of mirror and mirrorless finish!

On the back we have the COA


If you have been following these posts then you know the pieces I have shared so far are .950 silver.

Unfortunately this one has a really low concentration of silver. How low? One God knows.. If I was to take a bet I'd say maybe 1% 😂

Here's what the COA says in various languages:


This product is made of aluminium metal which contain silver with the method of PVD coating. This product has been under special treatment to remain unaltered over time. Free to export.

I forgot to take the typical comparison with a euro coin and honestly I am too lazy to do it now 😂 As you can see in the first photo, the icon has pretty much the same size with the shoe box below it.

All in all, a beautiful piece with a tiny bit of silver in it!

Below are some links with the other Greek icons made of silver I have shared so far in case you enjoyed this post:

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