The Need For Human Contact - My Response To The EcoTrain Question of The Week - Are You A 'Hugger Or A Shrugger' In These Pandemic Times?


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Human contact is so important for our well-being we are social creatures and we need to be around others, not all of the time but we do need to have those opportunities to be with other people to sit with other people to embrace other people.
What I have noticed with this plandemic is the lack of care about mental health and how quickly those in power were to lock Us all up, how quickly they were to try and convince us that this was for our own safety for our own well-being.

When you separate people you weaken them, weaken their resolve and their immune systems.

I wrote a post a couple of months ago about how hugs are important for our over all well being, how hugging releases certain hormones (oxytocin) and chemicals (serotonin), which helps us deal with really stressful situations and help us to move forward.

When we become distressed and upset our body releases cortisol, which slows down our healing and heightens our senses. It is our bodies way of trying to fix things, but it can feel very intense.

It also drives us towards social contact, as we inherently know how healing it is to have some one comfort you. And when you do have that contact, when you have someone reach out and hug you, then your body begins to release Oxytocin. Which is known as the love hormone and triggers our bodies ability to self heal. Alongside serotonin,a neurotransmitter that increases our levels of happiness and pleasure.

What we have experienced and are still experiencing, has put a lot of people under so much stress. It has caused families to be separated, loss of jobs and loss of income. With so many stuck in their homes, not able to leave, some of those homes being abusive homes, homes where individuals get neglected. Suddenly being forced together with no escape and o top of that experiencing high levels of stress, this is really a recipe for disaster.

There is little to no support for those people who are suffering at the hands of others.

I have so many questions, so many doubts about how all of this has been allowed to play out. As I am sure many of you have. So much doesn't add up at all.

I never trusted in general narrative and although in the beginning I was put into a situation where I did isolate myself. I done that out of respect for someone else, not for myself and certainly not for what I believed in.

I guess in the first few weeks everyone was a bit of shock and of disbelief, not knowing what to do and not really knowing how long this was going to go on for.

But I never stopped being affectionate with my friends, when I did see them. To be honest I started hugging them a lot more and for a much longer period of time, because it felt so right to do that, to connect with them in that way. Because that is what is needed right now.

It is in times like this, that we need to come together, that we need to be there for one another and to support one another. We need that physical contact with now more than ever.

But instead, mostly I have seen communities divided, I’ve seen friends fight with one another, put one another down, label and belittle them. I have seen such a huge divide.

Even in times of war, at the end of each dramatic day, no matter what happened, people were still able to come together, to be together to hug one another and support one another. To hold one another’s hands, to have that physical contact that is so important. So important to help keep us sane, to keep us healthy, even in times of war!

I am trying to not pass judgement on others, to just let them live their lives how they wish, but yet I can still see the fear in their eyes. I can hear their distress when they talk about, how selfish some people are for not following the rules. For what they believe is endangering other people's lives.

I have always relied on my instinct to tell me what is right from wrong. And when this first started, it all felt very wrong. So I researched some and educated myself some more. I wondered and continued to wonder why we are not focusing on building up our immunity.

Why, instead are so many focusing their energy on tearing others down, on pointing fingers at one another.

I am hoping that over time, most people will remember what it is to be a human, what it is to be close to those we care about, to embrace them when they are sad and distressed, instead of maintaining social distancing.

I really hope we all remember who we are!

This is my response to the EcoTrain question of the week!


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