Remembering Beautiful Things! - Ladies Of Hive Contest #46

There was a time, when if you were to ask me, 'what was the best thing about where I grew up', I would have just laughed. Because by the time I turned 18, I couldn't get away from my home quick enough.


As a child I spend hours reading books, learning about all the different countries I could go and explore. I covered the walls in my room, with pictures of far off places that I longed to visit, so eager, was I to escape!

I didn't have the confidence to do so, until I was 18, but I was so happy when I did. But now as I sit here, more aware and empowered, I can finally see how my childhood, no matter how painful and traumatic it was, has really empowered me, to be who I am today! Being able to embrace all parts of myself and to understand how the world works.

So I can look back and recognise many moments and places of beauty. I am forever grateful, that I got to grow up in the countryside. For the first 7 years of my life I was in a small town, but after that, me and my family moved to the countryside.

There I could spend hours being wild and free, roaming the land, climbing and singing to the tree's. (Just as the beautiful @katrina-ariel did and still does.)


I loved nothing better that going for long walks through the fields and the forests, singing my little heart out, whilst I was followed by whatever herd of cows happen to be on my course, as well as some of the neighbours dogs.

Singing brought me, ( and still does bring me )such release. So often, I started my journey heavy hearted, but by the time I returned, most of that heaviness had lifted.

I always felt more at home outdoors, it's where I felt the most free, free to be exactly who I was. To sit beneath the fairy trees and watch for their wings as they glistened, in the sun.

Yes, I would swear as a child, that I saw fairies and if you are to ask me today, whether or not they exist, well who knows, who knows anything these days.

My house backed onto a neighbours field, which was always full of cows and I had the privilege of becoming friends with one herd. They would be waiting for me, at the back wall, when I came back from school and I would drop my bag in the house, get dressed into my normal clothes and go hang out with them.

Oh how I loved walking with them, there is something so peaceful and empowering about walking with a herd of animals.


Cows are so clever and strong, and they have the most beautiful eyes and such a gentle nature. I really loved to be in their presence. I really felt and continue to feel honoured that they wanted to be in my presence as well.

It was because of them, that I stopped eating meat in my teens. When the penny finally dropped, about what I was actually eating.

My heart was broken, when one day that herd never returned! When I was with them, I felt safe and invincible, which for me was a huge thing, as my physical home never offered me that security. But I got it from nature and from those beautiful cows! I feel so lucky, to have had that, especially knowing what I know now.

Whenever I stopped to take a rest, they would encircle me and wait for me to get up and continue. I could pet them and I always sang to them. Being amongst the trees and the wild grass, with that wonderful herd around me, has to be hands down, the best thing about where I grew up!

I invite the beautiful @owasco to come join in if you have not already xxx


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