HAPEBEAST (NFT Collection on ETH), to APE or not to APE...?

Hello LeoFinance community, I'm diving in with this post as my first ever publication in this great community hoping this to be the first of many futures posts!

As I was having a chat with my friend @l337m45732 he made me realize that I should post more about any silly thing that I am planning to do or doing, just like he is doing now on his blog! Big up man you're doing a wonderful job giving tips and free NFTs to users on Hive! I hope to be able soon to join you in giving away some NFTs as I really like the idea of it! Making people aware and also giving them a bit of a starting gift to show them how this crazy NFT world works! Big up again!

Also because I had the idea to do this post thanks to @l337m45732 I set him up as the 20% beneficiary of this post!

Today I want to talk about this NFT project called HAPEBEAST


To APE or not to APE?

Being the collection on ETH it will be expensive, but from what they say on their discord it will be done on OpenSea, so I am still not sure how the whole process will work, usually when you mint it you pay the mint, the gas fee and cry! LOL Maybe this drop will be available directly from OpenSea and maybe we will just have to pay the gas fee for the buy transaction? The drop is in December so there is still time if you wanted to find out more about the project, The best place would be their official discord: http://discord.gg/hapebeast


So we see it's a project London based and this makes me want to buy it even more as I do live in London, local NFTs for a APE retard? Love it! I was also kind of a SneakerHead in the past and maybe a bit of an HypeBeast so it brings back memories! I don't fuck with that stuff no more tho, now the money I stick it in crypto or stocks and it's a much better decision! (IMHO)

Also look at some of these APEs, they're incredible, the graphic looks sick and I'm almost 100% positive that this project will have some traction! Maybe it will be huge!




Well 8192 NFTs only will be minted and we can see they have 83.2k followers on Twitter and 236k members on their discord! This is a very low supply for a very high demand! I don't think it will be easy to grab one of those? Thoughts? :)

Also the London artist Digimental Twitter has got 24.8k followers which, again, it's not bad at all!


Please go have a look at them yourself on their main website

MAIN WEBSITE - If you scroll down the page at some point there is a sick animation that shows you a bit of the project and some of the NFTs, they look incredibly sick IMHO and they look really well polished and made overall! Are you thinking about buying one? I definitely am! But problem is that we might be already late for this!

Reading in their discord looks like they are not going to do a public-sale, but rather a private sale with the possibility to participate through engagement in their Discord, have a look at their last 2 announcements:





So yeah like I previously mentioned there will not be a Public Sale here, and let's be honest if there were one it would have been madness and so many people would end up frustrated for not being able to get the NFTs, with this whitelist business at least if you're not in the whitelist you can sleep tight and stop thinking about it altogether!

So not bad IMHO, Run to sign up in their Discord and start being active and helping the community members if you want a chance to get one of these precious HAPES!

To be sure I also asked an official HAPE and this is the reply I received, very fast and very detailed:


So my first few minutes in the Discord have been great (I joined the Discord weeks ago but really started looking into it and texting there today! I will try to be more active in that community and see if I can help anyone, and maybe this post that I am doing will help me to get the HL (HapeList) status???

Wish me luck because I really like those and would love to score one! But if I won't and someone from Hive will be able to get it because of my post it would really make me happy! Would be very cool if WAGMI

So what do you think of this project? Do you Like it? Will you try to get that HL status to get whitelisted for the drop? Let me know in the comments!

I wish a wonderful banana day to every APE
And I wish you the best of luck if you are thinking to become an HAPE and participate in this drop!

May the force be with you all!

We Degen Crypto For Life

All screenshots made by me!
Taken from the offical HapeBeast Website, offical HAPEBEAST Twitter, official Digimental Twitter and official HapeBeast Discord


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