A Cosy Little Room [PhotoChain Challenge - 46th Edition]

Good night, friends!

Here are a few shots from the room I stayed in, at Penzión Resla. It is a very charming place to stay, if you ever visit the small town of Banská Štiavnica, in Slovakia.

The first photo is my entry for the PhotoChain Challenge - 46th Edition hosted by @davidesimoncini. The keywords for this week are Blanket and Brown, picked by the previous winners of the challenge: @elizacheng and @ainie.kashif.

My personal keyword for this week is Window.


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As you can see, it was a tiny room with little space for anything more than a bed, a couple of chairs, a small table, a TV and a tiny fridge.

I think the fridge was even necessary, mainly because it was so small that it didn't worked. Or better... it worked but it wasn't powerful enough to keep anything cool. My water was always warm. The days were quite hot and the fridge was generating more heat than anything else. It was becoming more a hindrance than an utility... Therefore, I unplugged it to avoid increasing the room's temperature. 🤭

Another thing I didn't use was the TV. I don't understand Slovak at all and in these parts of the world they truly hate subtitles, for some weird reason... so, everything is dubbed in the local language.


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The room was small but quite lovely and with enough sunlight coming in from the small window. Since it was very hot during the day, I left the window always open. I was surprised to see, that even though there was a garden just outside, there were never any insects in my room when I returned around dinnertime. Try that in Portugal and you'll get a room full of flies and mosquitoes. 😅


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For the price I paid, I think this was an excellent deal. I was expecting much less, really. On top of the cosy room I had a nice breakfast every morning. So nice that I usually skipped lunch. 😋

I recommend this room to pretty much everyone who can rest without the full confort of a big air-conditioned room. It is a lovely spot but... if you can't stand the heat at night, this might not be the best place for you. 😉

LocationBanská Štiavnica - Slovakia
CameraPanasonic Lumix DC-TZ90
Photos3 (Edited with GIMP)

If you wish to enter the contest, the announcement link is here:
PhotoChain Challenge - 46th Edition.


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