How to make an upcycled planter with a plastic bottle

In commemoration of World Earth Day, I decided that making an upcycled planter with a plastic bottle would be the perfect project to do.

This project kills two birds with one stone. First, it embodies the idea of reusing, as a plastic bottle was used in making this. We all know that reusing is one of the three Rs that have been advocated when it comes to making our environment better. The other two Rs are recycling and reducing.

Secondly, this project embodies the idea of planting. It is a known fact that planting more would be beneficial to all of us, our environment and the earth by extension.

One of the major problems we have in our environment today is the indiscriminate disposal of plastic waste. These plastics are not biodegradable and, as a result, they have become a menace to our environment. This upcycled planter can help reduce the amount of plastics circulating and also encourage better planting habits.


  • Water bottle

  • A pair of scissors

  • Knife

  • A plant

  • Soil


Step 1:

I cut off the triangular part of the bottle as you can see in the photo above. I used a knife initially to make a cut on the bottle, then I used a pair of scissors to complete the cut round the bottle. After cutting that triangular part out, I trimmed the edges.

Step 2

Next, I focused on the other part of the bottle (the body). I cut it into two.

I also used a knife to make the initial cut, and then I continued the cut round with a pair of scissors. I only needed the base part, so I discarded the upper part of the body that was cut. Then I trimmed the edge of the base.

Step 3

I tried to make sure that the triangular part I cut out fit into the base, so I put the triangular part into the base.

At first, they didn't fit, because I wanted the tip of the triangular part to touch the very end of the base. So, I continued trimming the wider edges of the triangular part. I did the same thing to the base. I trimmed its edge too. Eventually, they fit and the tip of the triangular part touched the end of the base.

Step 4

I put some soil in the triangular part of the plastic bottle and covered its mouth with my palm so that the soil won't pour out. Then I quickly put it inside the base where it stood perfectly.

Step 5

I got a little plant, opened a small hole in the soil, and planted it. That's it! You can choose to plant a seed if you want and watch it blossom. You just have to keep watering it.

The great thing about this Upcycled planter is that it is very simple and easy to make. Furthermore, you can watch your plant as it grows. You also get to water it without stress. It's always a great feeling watching your plants grow and become something bigger.

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