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HiveFest Split - great friends, amazing talks, but… Dude, where’s my car?

Alright, here we go! Let me tell you about this epic adventure called HiveFest!

First things first – I am so glad we decided to go. Seriously, what better way to bond with your online buddies than over drinks in a gorgeous bar? I mean, alcohol flowing like rivers, tongues loosened up, and everyone suddenly becoming best friends. It’s either something you’ll be super proud of, or the next day, with a pounding headache, you'll be like, “Wait, did I really say that out loud??” 😅 But hey, I finally met these amazing people who craft mind-blowing stories and adventures. Faces to the nicknames! Personalities in the flesh! Finally, those profile pics on Hive have real faces behind them. It’s wild seeing people come from all over the world for this event – like, Hive really is changing lives, no doubt about it.



Now, let’s talk about the first day. They nailed it! It was like they knew exactly how to relax us – or maybe that was the alcohol – either way, it worked. The next day felt like the classic, ‘Oh no, I stayed out too late but now I have to go to school’ scenario. Except instead of school, it was more HiveFest awesomeness. Sure, coffee would've been a smarter choice, but let's not sweat the small stuff, right?

Yesterday, though, that’s when the real action kicked off. We gathered in front of this beautiful museum for a full day of interesting and super-informative lectures. First, though, we powered up with breakfast. Gotta love watching a bunch of Hive enthusiasts desperately seeking coffee after a night of fun! 😆 The sun was shining, the sea was sparkling in the background, and everything just felt right.

At 9 a.m. sharp, the lectures started, and let me tell you, hearing what’s behind Hive – it’s like reading about it is one thing, but hearing it from these insanely energetic speakers is a whole new level! I thought I knew Hive, but after listening to them, I realized I know, like, 2%. Maybe. They made everything so clear, I actually started to understand the magic behind this platform! Of course, I interrupted my husband a few times to double-check if I was getting it right (spoiler - I was). It’s funny, I never cared much for the techy stuff, but now I’m like, “Wow, this is actually super cool.” Also, yes, it was hot, but hey, there’s shade! No complaints, people. You can see what lectures at the link here if you missed out: (@hivefest/hivefest-2024-last-minute-changes-timeschedule-now-available-and-mobile-app-launch) – don’t worry, you can even watch the livestream and pretend you were there with us!




After the brain feast, we had a delicious lunch, and since the beach was right there, we could have gone for a dip. But of course, I didn’t have my swimsuit, so I just watched the sea, looking a little sad. 😢 The lectures wrapped up around 4 p.m., and we all got together for a big group photo – and WOW, there were a lot of us! I didn’t realize how many HiveFesters there were until we were all crammed together for the shot.




Dinner that night? Oh, chef’s kiss. A 4-course meal at Restaurant Gusar that was nothing short of amazing. I can’t remember the last time I had such a fancy dinner! Everywhere I looked, people were laughing, chatting, and connecting – and the music? The singers had voices that could bring the house down. My husband and I decided to call it an early night so we could be fresh for the next day’s lectures. Smart, right? Yeah, about that...

We get to the parking lot and guess what? Our car was gone. Like, straight-up vanished. My immediate thought? "Dude, where’s my car?!" 😂 So, this gentleman comes up, laughing, and asks which car we had. After we tell him, he’s like, "Ohhh, yeah, you parked in the wrong spot. The tow truck just took it." WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! We called the police, and they connected us to the towing company, and at that point, we figured we’d just walk and get it. But then we realized it was almost an hour away, so nope, taxi it was! Even the taxi driver was cracking up, saying, “Yep, that’s Split for ya – wrong parking, and poof, your car’s gone.” I couldn’t even be mad, honestly. It was hilarious. We picked up the car, paid the fine, and just laughed the whole way back. Hey, dumb Slovenians here, thinking we can park wherever we want!

And now, here we are, ready for another day of lectures in a beautiful building. The weather’s a bit cooler today, and there’s a nice breeze – so no complaining about the cold, okay? The weather is perfect. What will I learn today? Who knows, but I can’t wait to find out!


In conclusion, HiveFest is AMAZING, and if you missed this one, you’d better mark your calendar for the next one, because you do not want to miss it.



Let’s do this! 🎉🚀

“Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.” – Ken Poirot

With love, @tinabrezpike❤️