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What about Financial Love?

What about Financial Love?

This is an article written for the #septemberinleo writing prompt series and Day 18 prompt ....

My experience of this prompt could be VERY Experienced ☑️
Catch the original announcement in this thread

Day 18! The Hive Naija community asks, which one would you choose? Financial security or Endless love?

Drop your posts on the community Hive Naija 🇳🇬!

What sort of mind writes these Hive Naija prompts!?!

Let me tell you a story....

Once upon a time in a land far far away there lived a young woman named Jemima. Now Jemima was a dreamer. You know the sort, she had heart filled with of love and a head full of all these grand adventures yet she hadn't even left her little village

One day a handsome wannabee called Jordan wandered into her village whilst idly strumming shiny new guitar and singing songs all about love and loyalty.

Jemima was totally smitten and her besotted heart was captivated by Jordan's charm and heartfelt promises of an alleged life filled with endless passion and romance. It sounded like eternal bliss to Jemima.

Meanwhile watching from the sidelines was the son of a wealthy landowner. This man was named Bore and he had taken a keen interest in Jemima. Bore had inherited at the of 21 a fortune in a trust fund from his father.

So Bore offered Jemima a life of luxury. Jemima would be treated like a queen, she would have all the fine clothes she wanted, she could travel all over the world and there would be financial security for herself and all her family members.

Jemima was really hesitant at first. Ever since she was a little girl and had read all about Princesses in story books she had always dreamed of her own love story where she was the Princess and lived happily ever after.

But the more she listened to Bore's promises of luxury and stability she started to think that maybe a life of endless love wasn't all it was cracked up to be!

One day a huge storm swept through their village and destroyed the guitar of Jordan. Jordan had made his living from his guitar, and now that it had been destroyed he was soon penniless.

Jemima watched Jordan as he struggled to survive, his once-bright spirit being eroded bit by bit from this hardship.

That's when Jemima finally realised that love alone is not enough. It needed to be matched with stability and security to really blossom.

After that revelation it was no shock then that Jemima chose Bore.

Jemima and Bore were married after a brief engagement and they lived a happy and prosperous life together.

Jemima never regretted her decision. She realized that financial security was not just about material possessions. It was about having the freedom to pursue her dreams. Those dreams cannot be paid for with love alone!

Financial security is having the ability to help others not just with a little I love you and hope everything turns out all right!

Financial love is having the peace of mind that comes from knowing you can provide for herself and your loved ones.

So you see it is Financial love for me

What use is endless love if you are constantly worrying about where the money is coming from to pay the bills?

What use is endless love when your love gets bored with having no money?

But what use is Financial security if you are so bored you go and get love you aren't getting?

I think everyone needs a financial stability and love in their life, so I can't answer but I will propose that I prefer Financial Love!

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoyed my response to the prompt.

Sources and Reference documents

This article is an entry for this month's Inleo writing initiative #septemberinleo

You can find all the details in this thread

Today's prompt is Day 18 | Cash or Love

All ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated, note lead image is generated with AI on from a prompt by me.The other photographs are all orginal and taken by me the author.

### **Haste Ye Back!**
@tengolotodo.leo September 18th 2024