How this lion unwinds digitally

How this lion unwinds digitally

This is an article written for the #juneinleo writing prompt series with today being Day 2 ....

Catch the original announcement in this thread

Our devices offer plenty of ways to relax, just like offline activities do. What's your go-to app or software on your phone for unwinding, and why is it special to you?

Do you have games? Audiobooks? Videos? Is Inleo your place to unwinding?

Do you use other devices instead of your phone?

Let me answer in reverse

Because if you know me, then you know I am awkward bawbag and I generally don't do things in a normal fashion!

So what other devices....Simples ... my fluff off big tablet of course.

I have a Honor and it is mimics my phone but is way bigger.

So even as I type this article out on my laptop or in this case my chromebook, my tablet is never far away, it has a gazillion crypto wallets on it!.

Like I said it has all the apps that my phone does apart from my drone app!

The camera is a better than my phone and so are the speakers... The display obviously is way bigger!

So now you know what device I use to unwind...but...

What's your go-to app or software on your phone for unwinding

Right now I have been taking screenshots to use for this post but the first thing I did once I took screenshots was to go into this screen ...

Can you recognise it?

It is the Audible app

If I was alone I would get Alexa on and get her to blare out some loud punk music as I am in a fast and furious mood right now.

But I am not alone so we will listen to a book. I must admit I do love books, but I don't seem to have the time or inclination at the moment to read, although I was told by @deraaa today to go and read an interesting book that would be right up my alley as I am a bleep bleep. I think it will be a pleasant task for early tomorrow morning.

JK Rowling? Heard of her ...? Harry Potter etc, well her nom de plume or pen anme is Robert Galbraith and she wrote a series of fictional crime books centred around Cormoron Strike (I think one was televised). They are great books, she is a fabulous fabulous author and the books last for 30 something hours.

Mrs T and I often listen whilst doing other things...

So it is helping me unwind whilst I write this...

Now when I am finished this post I will go and play a quick game or two...

In fact that is nonsense I will play only one...

Being a Rangers fan, that game of course can only be...

Bubble Rangers from Imaginary Ones

It is free and downloadable from the App/Play store. It is fluffing addictive and in a way it is a play 2 earn...

Actually I love to unwind doing things that are fun and potentially pay!

I mean that is what we love, things that are FUN? Well for me they are...

This game was part of a social airdrop called $BUBBLE. This is web3 gaming on an addictive level.

Talking about apps and web3, I tap oh yes I do I tap tap and tap some more....

Let me give you a clue if you are tapless ehem I mean clueless...

I am sure you are all aware of Telegram, well there have spams and airdrops in telegram since it started.

However since the success of the NOTCOIN drop things have exploded.

I had refrained from doing any of these mining bot apps on telegram

UNTIL I saw a tweet or sorry a post on X from which happens to be my crypto exchange in the UK that I have used for years with never a problem.

They had started a mining/tapping app to support an airdrop of their CEXP token...

Bam I took up and took note, and started playing.

Gone went my daily game of Golf Clash ... Oh fluff I was a tapping addict.

What ever I do to unwind it must be FUN and that is makes all the above things special to me....

A bit like my life motto, do the Fun things.......

So now when I want to unwind I tap!

PS I won't shill links and all that stuff here, if you want more info, comment below, message me or see this post for more info Tap Tap Tap on Fun Friday

I don't use InLeo to unwind, maybe in the future when the site is up and working properly virtually all the time then it will be a place to unwind, but it is not there for me yet.

I tend to have netflix on in the background as I do love background noise, but I rarely watch!

PS Fittingly the InLeo team have suggested we post this in the newish created community Digital Lifestyle

Congratulations @olujay on your new community and it is great to see the InLeo team support such a valuable InLeo team member as yourself.

Sources and Reference documents

This article is an entry for this month's Inleo writing initiative.

You can find all the details in this thread

Todays prompt is What's your go-to app or software on your phone for unwinding, and why is it special to you??

All ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated, note lead image is generated with AI on pixlr .com from a prompt by me.

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### **Haste Ye Back!**
@tengolotodo.leo June 2nd 2024
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