LOH #146: Good Times Together!

Hello Ladies!

I look forward to seeing and learning more about this community each week. I am excited to see the topics and competitions for every week, and I will do my very best to put in an entry for each one.

Participating in another competition in this lovely community is my pleasure and honor!

For Contest #146, and to answer the question:

  • When was the last time you actually got out for the day and enjoyed being with friends and doing something fun that you wanted to do?*

The last time I went out for the day was in May, and I liked hanging out with my friends and doing something enjoyable.

summer vacation.png

Maintaining contact with old pals as you start your college career can be challenging. It might seem tricky to keep up with your pre-college friendships between school, studying, and extracurriculars. This is particularly true if your course of study requires you to go far from home.

The proximity of my most fantastic friends to one another in college is one of the things I miss the most. I didn't need to plan or coordinate anything; I could just burst into their rooms, and we could have fun for the rest of the evening. Moving into more "adult" lives can be difficult for our friendships as we age. We now have more significant obligations. We are further apart from each other. Simply put, it all requires more commitment and planning.


But once I accepted this fact and learned to deal with it, it stopped being such a bummer. Nowadays, when I want to hang out with a friend, we set a time on our calendars. Finding a successful date can be easy; the key is establishing it as a routine. Consider your calendar a friend rather than a foe. It ensures that the most memorable adventures take place!

We are friends who enjoy going on adventures, especially beach ones.


We ventured further than usual for the first time in May. We finally got to visit Boracay Island, something we had eagerly looked forward to for a long time.


Beaches are stunning, soothing, and distinctive, whether they have a boardwalk or rocky coastlines. If you've ever been to a beach and been in awe of its beauty, you can see why so many people adore them. Because beaches are so beautiful, we typically base our travel plans around them.


Beaches are peaceful.

Nothing compares to the calming atmosphere of beaches with their warm sand and soft waves. The beach is the ideal setting for decompressing from the day's stresses. You can sit and enjoy the sunshine, gaze at the incoming waves, or even nap in a hammock between two palm trees.


You have the impression that you are on another planet because of the salty air and the sound of the waves. People frequently feel relaxed, less stressed, and more imaginative when near the ocean.

This enables you to communicate with your friends more honestly and engage in deeper discussions. The feeling of sand between your toes is one of the most comforting. Reestablishing a connection with nature in this way is immensely calming. Every step on the beach feels like a foot and soul massage, whether the sand is warm, cool, dry, or wet.


We need to step away from reality occasionally. We can't always go on vacation, but all we need is a visit to the beach to give the illusion that we did. There is no electricity, no emails to answer, and no phones to pick up; it's just us, a beach chair, the water, the sun, and the sand. It provides us with precisely the peace we need.


We just came across the saying, "You are one step closer to Heaven when you are at the beach," while traveling. This perfectly captures our thoughts about the beach. We become more aware of how beautiful the environment is due to its grandeur. It puts our priorities into perspective.

The constant commotion of our life can quickly become overpowering. Our issues become critical and the center of the universe while we're trapped in chaos. I am reminded that my troubles aren't as awful as they seem while I'm in the real world by looking out into the limitless horizon of the sea.


This was the last time my friends and I went out for the day, and I enjoyed being with them and doing something fun we wanted to do.

Making time for friendships during busy times benefits you and the people you care about. Over the years, I've discovered that it's crucial to prioritize my relationships when I'm going through a hectic, stressful moment. Making time amid the chaos requires effort, but it is always worthwhile. After all, having friends makes life better, simpler, and much more enjoyable.

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