Update on my wife and a new lens

Update on my wife and a new lens

Another quick post with an update on my wife’s injury

We went and saw a specialist today and seems the ER doctor got it right that she has a fracture in the shoulder but wrong in that she would not need surgery.

In his words it’s a severe fracture the whole joint about the ball is fractured and she will need shoulder replacement surgery and he is referring her to a doctor that is very experienced in that field in Boston

Waiting for the Boston Dr call and schedule an appointment or the surgery

Lulu is exhausted and worn down from all the pain so let’s hope the surgery can happen quickly

I am doing ok also worn down as she is not sleeping well and needs a hand to do almost anything so my sleep has been limited but I am not complaining I don’t have to deal with the pain she is

I needed to add a photo to the post so here is a photo of a new Lens I received on the 22nd the day Lulu broke her shoulder so it’s still in the box

A small note the 22nd was the day that lens went on sale a newly released lens that I think will work very well for me and will at some stage do a post about it

And lastly

Thanks so much for all the support for my wife it is truly appreciated

Sorry still going to be offline mostly and will nit be commenting on all the Wednesday Walk posts this week


And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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