How I Learned to Draw Dandelions

Good Sunday everyone!!! I hope you are all healthy and doing well!
I continue to learn how to paint with acrylics. This time I painted flowers together with a girl artist. It was dandelions!


We started painting the background, and then the early colored circles. I have already learned how to cover a sheet of paper first with white paint - the base, and then on top with different colors that are needed.


This is the Right Brain Drawing Technique. I didn't know about this technique before. For me it suits me as my fear of paints and paper goes away.

That's how we draw with this girl! 😃😊


Our task is to turn these circles into dandelions.


Before you continue to draw flowers, you need to draw blades of grass and flower stalks. The girl says that in order to make it voluminous, you need to add white and then black paint along the edge.


Instead of blades of grass, I got green logs 😁 I still can't draw a thin line 😭😭😭 I need to practice drawing this more.
To draw fluffy dandelion heads, the girl took cotton swabs 😮 Oh, I've never painted with cotton buds. I thought they only paint with brushes.


You need to dip the head of a cotton swab in white paint and put prints on the circles. It turns out very cool! 😃


I liked this unusual look of the brush 😅😊


I drew my first flowers and to be honest for the first time I am very satisfied! 😊
(all photos are taken by me)
Take care of yourself and be healthy!!!!

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