Battle Mage Secrets : The Queen of Archers Strikes Again

Good day Splinterland Friend , I hope you're having a good day. Another exciting week for a battle challenge. And for this weeks challenge is the rule GOING THE DISTANCE.

Only one character comes into mind when this rule comes , The Great Queen of Archers, Tatiana Blayde. Good thing the Soulbound Summoners can summon her in rank battle . So lets get into the battle field.

Battle Conditions

Aside from the challenge rule this conditions are also available for my featured battle .

  • Armor Up -all units will gain a 2 armor.
  • Mana - 31 mana is given, that enough room for my good picks.
  • Elements - Water , Earth and Dragon are the available Element for this battle.

Line Up Selection

  • Helios Matriarch - since I want to summon Tatiana , I had to use a summoner with Conscript Ability, good thing I have a dragon Summoner of that kind on a max level,also that one speed gave me more advantage.
  • Fungus Flinger- I placed him on tank to activate her martyr to give more buff to Tatiana.
  • Tatiana Blayde - all of her skill are a must for this type of battle , and with the buffs from other units, she will be unstoppable.
  • Seedsmith - the poison is always a welcome addition in my arsenal, and the scavenger will be my back up once Tatian will be eliminated, it will have a lot of health by the time they reach it.
  • Supply Runner - the speed buff will give more dodge and miss chance for my main character.
  • Naga Assasin - another swiftness buff will not hurt, better be sure than sorry.

Battle Highlights

In the first round the 3 buffs of speed is now showing , many shots were missed by the opponent. And in addition to that Fungus have Blind making it harder for the opponent.

The enemy fungus was the first to fall , buffing Drybone but I think thats gonna be useless since his gonna melt after my turn. The poison from Seedsmith accelerated his demise.

Now that Tatiana is in the tank position, she is untouchable . With her speed and dodge , she's just there sitting pretty waiting for a lucky shot to connect. And while she was doing that the backlines are slowly melting the enemies one by one.

Acid Shooter is the only one doing real damage to my line up since he has scatter shot. Aside from that all shots directed to Tatiana are all missing.

And the cycle of unending misses continue until only one remains. This only proves Tatiana is the Queen of archers.

Another win for the books.

Thanks for dropping by if you want to watch the full battle, here is the link.

Also don't forget to submit you entries for this weeks' challenge.

Thanks again, see you in the next one !



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