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Garbage In, Garbage Out.

I was talking with a co-worker the other day about a problem, which he summarized by saying "Garbage in, Garbage out."

What a bold statement! The truth of the statement is clear, though it does lack some luster and polish.



What Does It Mean?

So I started thinking ...

I know! I know! Thinking can be dangerous, but it can also be a freeing, life-changing experience as well. What does "garbage in, garbage out" really mean? What life lessons are out there that I need to apply to my life?

Garbage is another word for trash. Both words describe items that are thrown away or rejected because they are considered as worthless.

So garbage in describes junk or trash that is input into a system (whether that be a computer, a blog, a human body, an engine, an innocent young mind, etc).

Garbage out is the less than superior, final product that is a result of the bad input. For example,

  • databases with bad data will produce false reports
  • blog posts with misinformation will further mislead
  • junk food that is consumed over a span of many years leads to obesity and illnesses
  • sugar in a gas tank paralyzes the entire car
  • vulgar language and gruesome images impact and alter the thoughts of a young child

What "Garbage In" Scenarios Do I Need To Avoid?


It did not take me two seconds to come up with this answer. I have always struggled with controlling my consumption of food (both portion control and quality control). I like to eat when I am sad. Oh, and by the way, I like to eat when I am happy. And if I am being completely honest, I like to eat when I am experiencing every other emotion as well.

I really like to eat ice cream (sweet) or tortilla chips (salty) when I am bored. And what really scares me is sometimes I don't even realize I am being drawn to food until after it is already in my both.

The result? An unhealthy body. Poor self-image. Limited energy. Decreasing strength.

Media Consumption

I personally believe that the mind and the heart are impacted by what is consumed with the eyes and the ears. I don't enjoy horror movies or gruesome battle scenes, but there are times when I find myself casually watching a tv show and one of my kiddos comments about ...

  • how scary a scene was
  • how a character said a bad word
  • how a female character was showing off her midriff or a male character was walking around without a shirt

My children are constant reminders to guard my eyes and ears. Because what enters into the body will eventually come back out.

I find myself wary of 24/7 news and the constant barrage of death, war, racism, sexual abuse, and physical violence. I want to be aware of important world events and issues, and we can take a deep dive into darkness if we do not guard our minds. I want my children to be aware of the needs of others, self-defense tactics, and the reality of the world we live in, but I am not ready for media to steal their innocence.

And social media? Don't get me started! I can't stay up with the Jones' because they can't even stay caught up with themselves. The storybook lifestyle on social media is a farce, and unfortunately, so many of us are falling for it. Those edited photos, scripted titles, and flashly, interactive "like" buttons are killing our social interaction with the people in our homes and opening up our hearts to the "I want more" and "I want his" mentality. What if all the pretty pictures and awesome videos are just more garbage in that leads to more garbage out?

My Investment In Others

As a husband and a father, I am mindful of what I am "feeding" my family.

  • Am I lashing out in anger or sharing words of wisdom?
  • Am I boosting in myself or acknowledging the works of my wife?
  • Do my words deliver a death blow or do they build up my kiddos?
  • Do I rush out the door or take that extra moment to give out hugs?

And what about the stranger? Do I even smile? Do I care enough to stop and carry on a conversation?

What about my enemies? Will I choose hatred over love? Will I curse them and cheat them? Or do I believe in forgiveness and reconciliation?

Garbage in, Garbage out. Right?

I want to hear from you. Let's continue the conversation in the comments below.

  1. Had you ever heard of the phrase "garbage in, garbage out" before today?
  2. Do you agree with the idea of what you put into something impacts what comes out of it?
  3. Is there something that you want to work on in your old life?

Thanks for stopping by!


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