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Finish the Fiction Story Contest - Week #23 My Entry.


Even the clouds smile

The bedroom was a sealed Fort Knox. An old black fan stood in a corner: the last bulwark of defence against the terrible heat of that day of August. The heat from its engine was exceeding by far the supposed cool that it should have been producing from the movement of the scorching air.
"... I’m going down to the store to help mum."
"Recently, the young dandy is getting his ass busy."
"You could do something too, every now and then," Santiago thought, managing to keep his mouth with a bridle at the very last moment.
"There is an article on the International on how bad news are preferred to positive ones and their effects on society," he chose instead to answer.
But the 15:00 news were now efficiently irrigating the paternal synapses and absorbing his whole focus.
"After 3 months from their first appearance, the research on cumuloids continues by the international expert pool led by Dr. Venters. All the analyses confirm that their molecular composition is not different from that of any other type of cloud: minute particles of condensed water and / or ice crystals. In the meantime, yesterday, the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved the resolution requesting the member states of... "
"Chemtrails were not enough, eh Tiago?"
"I do not know, I try not to look at them. Those faces in the sky might also be harmless but they frighten me," Santiago cut short.
The quasi-dialogue would have certainly not produced anything positive in its prolonging, thought the twelve year old son. On board of his Zanella Motoneta, Santiago darted away from home, heading for the beach.
Down there, among the umbrellas reserved for the guests of the Los Reyes hotel, there were Vicky's deep black eyes waiting for him. Maybe today they could have been alone, maybe there between the waves or under the umbrella, he would have finally told her words that, for long days, had been banging in his head like the ocean’s backwash.
He still thought of those enigmatic clouds, the cumuloids, whose immense faces had formed and flaked in the skies for months now. With no exception, their eyes were covered and they displayed a subtle smile, similar to that of those Greek statues he saw in one of the rare occasions he opened his school books.

"What an idiot." Two rosy dawns light up on Vicky's cheeks to contradict the apparently cynical exclamation.
In front of her, two hearts drawn with a wooden stick on the sand of the shore with their initials inside. Tiago floundering.
A sharp cry pierces the silence. Dazed looks of the two twelve-year-olds jumping first on Vicky's younger sister, then, through the kid’s expression of terror, bouncing on the celestial vault behind them.
A cumuloid, alone, stands out clearly in a fake turquoise sky like the wing of a theatre stage. There is no trace of a kouros smile on the gargantuan cloud, which now seems about to drift on the sea shore. The ivory jaws widens deformed, vomiting a myriad of other faces. Distorted mutations depart ferociously from the obscene atmospheric funnel just to pierce back the smooth nimbus’ face, devouring its ephemeral flesh.
Time slows down around Tiago and Vicky, holding hands together without even realizing it.

My Ending

Vicky's little sister cried out and it broke two from the trace they had fallen into. VIcky ran to her sister while Tiago glaced once more towards the cumuloids watching the deformed faces rush closer to the beach. Tiago grab both girls hands and started to pull them towards the Los Reyes hotel. He did know why but he felt they had to get inside. A chill was starting to descend that he didn't understand but knew wasn't natural. Ass they rushed through the lobby Vicky pulled away and said "what is going on? Why did they come here? Tiago looked around the front desk was empty with everyone looking out the big windows, tourist acting not scared at all had been taking pictures when they ran by. We had to get inside he said. I just know something was wrong! Tiago headed around the desk he had be in this hotel often enough to know where the keys to the room are kept he grabbed one and pointed to the stairs. Vicky took her little sister and they headed up. Room 303 faced the beach he felt unlucky but at the same time he wanted to see almost had to see.

Once in the room Tiago pull a spare chair in front of the door they went over to windows to make sure they where closed. Vicky's little sister started to cry so Vicky went to hold her while they sat on the bed. Turn on the News Tiago said but turn it down and put on the captions. Vicky started to look for the remote. Tiago look out onto the beach as the faces started to reach the shoreline. He couldn't believe a few people still stood on the beach fancy phones in hand taking pictures. As the cumuloid faces started to reach the sand it looked to dry out and crack then the first one reached a man he backed away as it ran into him and disappeared. The man just stopped and stood still for a minute before dropping his phone in the stand as he began to walk towards the water. Tiago saw the same thing repeat before more screams rang out and people left on the beach started to run. Tiago closed the curtains as he saw more and more distorted clouds head towards the hotel.

Tiago join the girls on the bed looking up at the TV. Emergency broadcast had taken over all the channels but it was just telling people to stay inside and close all windows. To avoid contract with the cumuloid shapes at all cost. Then a man appeared on the screen with the name Dr. Venters underneath his face. He begun "Today the united nations in a group test tried to destroy one of the cumuloid clouds. It was a simple idea to use a few heat produce bombs to break them up. Everything had told them they where just normal clouds. However something had happened they couldn't understand the cloud didn't break up instead it broke apart form shapes some looked like faces. They had started to move and spread and shortly after this started to happen all over the world. He then explained that contact with shapes was leading to people doing very strange things that lead to their deaths. That at this time they shapes had not been able to pass though walls or windows so that if you stayed inside you should be okay but to close or block all vents to the outside. That they are working on the issue and would update everyone once they knew more.

Vicky looked at Tigao with fear building in her eyes still holding her younger sisters head. Can I see your phone he asked and she gave it over. He started to look for any other news oh what was going on. At the same time he headed over to the windows and opened the curtain enough to look out. The shapes still roamed the beach and he saw some of them going down the streets towards the rest of town. Vicky had took some snacks out of the mini fridge and given them to her sister calmed down she headed over to the window and took Tiago hand. What should we do? He heard the words but didn't know what to say. For now we stay here he said. He look back down at the phone and tried to dial home it rang but no answer. Tiago went back to web looking for answer while they sat down to eat snacks and wait.

VIcky's eyes opened, how long had she been sleeping she wondered. Tiago was at the window looking out into the dark. She looked up at the TV still the same messages to stay inside repeated. Vicky joined Tiago and looked out again taking his hand. I think we can avoid them in the dark if we are careful he said she looked out and could see that the faces had a glow in the dark that made them look more like ghost that clouds. Vicky also wanted to go home she worried about her parents. We should see them coming with that glow he said to her we know the back ways around town. Vicky woke up her sister and the three headed out into the hall and down to the main floor always looking for any glowing that didn't belong. Tiago lead the way to the nearest back ally that headed to Vicky's house. I have to get her home he thought. They started to near the first major street. Tiago could see a glow coming from the right almost like car headlights so they ducked behind some crates. Two shapes floated past the ally wandering slowing as if looking for something. Tiago held is breath as they passed. He relaxed when they had passed and they kept going. They where almost there then he could start to head to his home once Vicky was safe. He could see Vicky's house a light was on inside. Before he could catch her Vicky sister yelled Mom and ran for the house right into the street. From above came a glow he had missed as he looked up now he could see they where above a shape came down Vicky started to run but he stopped her it was too late. It crashed into Vicky's sister and disappeared.

Vicky's sister stopped moving. Vicky pulled away form Tiago and ran to her. As she grabbed her she fell into her arms cold and eyes closed. Tiago ran up worry overcoming his fear. They both looked at girl she was a little pale but then she opened her eyes rubbing them. Vicky what happened? She said as she started to stand. Tiago was amazed she seemed fine they all headed to Vicky's house and got inside where her Mom was waiting. Vicky I am so glad your home I was so worried. Mom what is going on VIcky asked. I don't know but they came on again not long ago and said that the effects don't seem to work on children they say age doesn't seem to be the key. They can't explain it but it is more like the clouds are able to tell if you are still innocent. Tiago said good bye and rushed out the door and headed home.

Dad he yelled as he ran though the door. He had taken his chance on the way home running right into one of the shapes. He was still feeling a bit cold but no longer afraid. He yelled again but no answer could be found. Tiago sat down wondering what the next days would bring.

They world was changed so fast. Many people say it was god others still trying to say it was science. Tiago didn't know. He did know that the world had a lot less parents around including his dad. He might never understand what had happened but what every caused this to happen he was not happy with them. Who where they to judge so many he wondered. Will I ever know... do I want to he thought.