Good Posts on




I want to do more to spread the word about so I am going to be taking my time to share with you some of the better posts that I can find on the site. It will be easy to find people talking about using weed. I am always going to be showing that there is more there to enjoy than just post about weed. This network will grow over time for sure.


I am going to start with a post by @ecoinstar about Hashkings named Have you heard of the STEEM farming sim HASHKINGS? It is another good post reminding me about this game here on the blockchain. This time I had some spare steem so I went ahead and set up my first plot. Check it out people. Steemit link


Next, check out @ackza who Talked to a Dossist rep at Harbor Collective Today This is a good post showing you some info about vape set up. Steemit link


This post by @mama.anarchy Stop The Drug War Now! is one that I didn't use to agree with. But the drug war is a waste of time and money. We need more treatment options and less jail time. This came home to me when both my parents died young living off the grid. Both of them spent time in jail for drugs and it always made it hard for them to get jobs.I wonder if they might have lived to see my kids if not for what that drove them to do. Living in a place where a heart attack kills you for sure due to a lack of medical support. I am glad there is a push to change this and glad to share this post. Steemit Link


@anarchy999 wants to remind us that. Citizens Will Vote on Cannabis Legalization in New Jersey more votes like this are coming and we will see if the pass. Steemit Link


@super.dude found out that there is a job a lot of you might want. New Job- Sample Cannabis for a Paycheck I don't smoke so I won't be trying to get it but if you do check it out. [Steemit Link](@super.dude/new-job-sample-cannabis-for-a-paycheck


Tell me what you liked about one of the posts and you can win 20 WeedCash. If my post nets me more than 20 Liquid WeedCash I will pick a second winner. I am a member of the @contestkings so as always no upvote, follow or resteem is required to enter. Besides the WeedCash tokens, a random comment will get an SBI share. I will use steemify to pick winners with comments that I feel count. If you don't talk about one of the posts above you can't win.

Let us see who wins from last post

WeedCash Winner

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Congrats @eii

SBI share winner

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Congrats @jeffjagoe

Prizes have been sent out.

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Winners from this will be picked after the WeedCash post-payout in 4 days or a soon after as I can.


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