Fueling my body with goodness [Healthy plate, happy fate]

Food is essential for the survival of all living organism. It provides the body with various important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals which helps is s sustaining life. For human being it is important to have a balanced and healthy diet which helps in maintaining good health, prevent diseases, and improve overall well being. The main sources of food for humans are plants and animals.

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These two sources provide nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, and minerals. Plants provide fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses, spices, dry fruits, and oils. Plants are significant source of #vitamins, #minerals, and #fiber in the human diet. Whereas Animals provide milk, eggs, honey, meat, fish, cheese, curd, and poultry. Animal based foods are the main source of #protein.

Nourish your body, nourish your soul

I remember, visiting the market to buy fresh products. The early we reach the better it is as thr local products were far much better than transported products. The local farmers used to bring fresh item in small quantity sell them in the market and return to their respective home. My faster was very particular to get those fresh item from the market before they finish away. So he alwsys make sure to visit the market in early hours to get the fresh products. We belongs from a farmer family, so we alwsys wanted to eat fresh fruits rather than buying stale transported products or packaged products. The fresh items always taste much better than processed or packaged products. The packaged milk is nothing in front of fresh cow milk. This is what comes into my habit. I alwsys look out for some fresh items especially derived from plants in my food.

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We are blessed to have some farming fields of our own. But living in cities during all these years, we were mostly dependent on food available in the market or on some packaged food. We never enjoyed the home grown foods. The produces from the farm were utilised by our relatives or sold to others. But as soon as shifted back to my village, I started looking after the farming and growing some veggies in the garden of my own. Trust me these are not easy job as it seems to be. It require to spend time. It requires taking care and nurturing like baby. You need to give focus in the growth of the plants. Though I am yet to be called as fully fledged farmer, as most of the works were carried away by the keeper. We distribut the products equally. Like today morning, I went on to fetch some fresh veggies and tomatoes for our meals from our garden. This is a normal routine round the year, as we keep on planting something in our garden. On the other hands, we are dedicately into rice #farming. Although last 2 years our farming were hampered due to indecent rains. But we make sure to farm a little in our fields. This has been our major farming crops. It gives us rice and also flattened rice, which is very common food item in our area.

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Village people does not need fast food or restaurant or packaged food. They know how to derive their own fresh food from the fields and mostly depends upon it. Also for animal related food, most of the villages have their own chicken and goats. They sell them or fulfill their needs. We never get to poultry unit for such food item. We are not much into processed or packaged food item. As these items contain chemicals in the form of preservstives which may affect our health. If we look back, we might notices that the health of our ancestors were much better than what we have today. The basic difference being they alwsys relied on fresh foods while we lack them. This has made a huge difference between the two generation.

Fresh foods are alwsys healthy and good to have in any way. Even I have seen people eating them raw, just by plucking from the garden. It is so good to get your own stuff. They means a lot.

This is my Day 2 entry for Inleo Writing Prompt for the m/o May.


Namaste @steemflow

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