Spinvest's weekly earnings and holdings report | Year 03 | Week 38


Hello, SPIer's. Today is Sunday and we end the SPI week with our weekly dividend payment this evening and every Sunday at 21.00 GMT.

What is SPI?
SPI tokens are growth investment tokens that pay a weekly dividend. They have been circulating for over 2 years, on STEEMHIVE. Mostly sold for 1 HIVE, each token today is worth over 4 times its HIVE issue value and 12x its dollar value. On top of that, token holders receive roughly 8% more SPI's every year from weekly dividends. We raised $13k from issuing SPI tokens for the first year which has been used to grow a diverse portfolio of investments, many of which provide streams of passive incomes. SPI tokens are part ownership of all SPinvest tokens/accounts, assets and income. The price of each SPI token is its liquidation value as SPI tokens are 100% backed by holdings. Handcapped to roughly 94,000, no more can be minted are issued. Adding, hold and compounding has us on the road to major growth and these tokens are still growing in value.

SPI tokens are part ownership in an actively managed fund. We have our hands in over 20 investments with the lion share being HIVE, BTC & ETH. We dont FOMO are chase pipe dreams. Tried and tested works best and is safest. Our motto is "Get rich slowly" and compounding down on sound investments is our game. You should invest in SPI tokens with the mindset of not selling for 3-5 years minimum. Let's have a look at this week's on-chain HIVE earnings.



Earnings this week are up a little more than normal which is cool. We received dividends from LGN and ARMERO which was nice. The BRO div never came through due to some sort of node problem so we'll will probably have 2 payments from that this week.

I have made a few posts using AI over the past few weeks and the interactions on them have been good. I think from now on, I will upload 1 post per week that I use AI for assistance to write. The content is good and the extra rewards are awesome.

Next week should be decent as i to collect the last of the SPK airdrops. Leasing rewards were not great this week because leo.voter only shipped us 4 payments this week. I guess they were having node problems as well.



When i seen HIVE moon 40% yesterday, i converted 1000 into HBD and after 9 hours, i converted the HBD back into 1168 HIVE for a quick 11.7% profit. We are very close to reaching a 10,000 HBD. Its shows above as 10,296 HBD but thats 9,672 with spinvest and 624 with spi-steemcity. SPI needs 350 more which is around 2 months interest problems.


Our LGN balance has been growing as we continue to receive daily airdrops from our BRO holdings. This could turn in a nice bag for us in the future and worth 4 figures. With HIVE pumping recently, we see a HIVE price decline in HE tokens so alot of token are correcting in price to reflect the market.


Non-HIVE defi and holding this week have gone sort of sideways to up a little in $ value in obviously down in HIVE value. I will be pulling our BUSD/USDT LP soon to get us 0.03 BTC to get us back to 1 full BTC and the rest into maybe ETH to add to the ledger. We'll see our defi holdings shrinking over the next months and our crypto wallet growing. When holding BTC, there is not alot of ways to earn from it without having to split it are risk holding on some cefi platform for a 3% APY. Just holding it is better. Maybe some desktop wallet that pays small interest could be an option.







The SPI token price has dropped this week in HIVE value from 3.86 last week to 3.59 this week. On the flip said the $ value has increased from 1.61 to 1.77 so its all good and the drop in HIVE value comes from our non HIVE assets.

I have been planning to release a new token for SPI for the past 3 years and its time to do it. The basic idea to make a 2 year grow bond. I will issue tokens fro 3 months and use all monies from token sales to invest into a basket of cheap, discounted cryptos within the top 30-50 ranked and hold them for 24-30 months. After his time has passed, i sell all the crypto, convert the proceeds to HIVE and put up a buyback on HE for token holders to cash in their profits.

The crypto market bottom has been in and its 90% confirmed. If we can buy in at 50% of all time high prices and hold until the next bull market, we could make amazing gains all round. As as example, in 2017 BTC went to $20k, if you bought during 2019 for around $10k, you'd still be happy with your investment today.

I did this last bear market as a monthly crypto group for a stacking community before i started SPI and our best buy was ADA which we bought at 2-3 cent and i sent everyone their ADA exactly 2 years after buying them when they were valued at around 60 cent and then of course they went on to moon to over $2 it think, i sold the last of mine at around $1.60 😁.

Anyways, there are opppunites to be had during a bear market. Anyone can buy a basket of cryptos and hold them for 2 years but would they actually do the work? Like it says above, they will be sold for 3 months and then HODL for 2 years, no dividends, just price appreciation and growth while moving from a bear to a bull market.

I have created the token already and will get an announcement post out within the next few weeks. I would like to be in full sale by March and full HODL mode by June.

Keep an eye out for that, i have been looking forward to launching this one for a long time. It's just a simple buy-and-hold for the investor and not that much work for me. I will be excluding stables tokens, pegged tokens and tron for the selection as an FYI. The 2-year timed element is everyone's exit point and payday. So many of us find it hard to sell tokens when they are mooning in value during a bull market because they fear that they will sell and the price will continue to increase. I don't have that problem 🤑

So keep an eye out for that. It'll not be anything fancy, just straight investing with a USP of being a timed project that pays out after around 2 years.

I guess thats a decent update this week, dividends will go out this evening all being well unless this current node crash has affected the SPI dividend bot as well and if so, double dividend next week, haha. Have a great week everyone!



Thank you for taking the time to read through this week's SPI earnings and holding report. We post every Sunday to keep our investors up to date so please follow the account if you would like to track our progress.

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