Look where the first Bucharest Tezos meetup will take place! Right in front of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA), easily the most respected institution in Romania. | Ia te uite unde va avea loc primul meetup Tezos Bucuresti! Chiar vis-a-vis de cladirea DNA, fara indoiala cea mai respectata institutie din Romania. |
But after the corrupt state apparatus has managed to sack its unflinching chief prosecutor, Laura Codruta Kovesi, the DNA has been weakened and might need a bit of help. Donning its armour, in the role of Saint George, blockchain technology can help tame the dragon of corruption by shedding light on state procurement deals. | Dupa ce Laura Codruta Kovesi a fost inlaturata, DNA a fost slabit si nu i-ar strica un pic de ajutor. Precum legendarul Sfânt Gheorghe, tehnologiile blockchain pot juca un rol determinant in lupta cu dragonul coruptiei gratie transparentei pe care o put impune in procesele de achizitie publice. |
Jan van der Straet, St. George and the Dragon (1563-1564)
Of course that is the very reason why the Romanian government would never conceive of tracking public procurement deals on a publicly readable blockchain. It would be like asking turkeys to vote for Christmas! The only way such a thing could happen is ... as a consequence of a Directive (or even better, a Regulation) from the European Commission. Imagine if all EU states were compelled to run all public procurement in full daylight, on a distributed ledger! | Desigur este precis motivul pentru care guvernul român nu se va gândi nici un moment sa inregistreze procesele de achizitie publica pe un blockchain accesibil publicului, ar insemna sa-si taie craca de sub picioare! Singura posibilitate ca un astfel de lucru sa se intâmple ar fi o Directiva (sau si mai bine o Regulatie) a Comisiei Europene. Imaginati-va cum ar fi daca toate statele europeene ar fi obligate sa puna procesele de achizitie pe un blockchain vizibil publicului ! |
In this context, note the web address on the flag. Despite the meetup being in Bucharest, it doesn't read "www.tezos.ro" but "www.tezos.lu" (Luxembourg) | Si fiindca tot vorbim de autoritatile Uniunii, remarcati adresa de pe steag: nu este "www.tezos.ro" ci "www.tezos.lu" (Luxembourg) |
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