Blockchain taming the Dragon of Corruption

Look where the first Bucharest Tezos meetup will take place! Right in front of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA), easily the most respected institution in Romania.Ia te uite unde va avea loc primul meetup Tezos Bucuresti! Chiar vis-a-vis de cladirea DNA, fara indoiala cea mai respectata institutie din Romania.


But after the corrupt state apparatus has managed to sack its unflinching chief prosecutor, Laura Codruta Kovesi, the DNA has been weakened and might need a bit of help. Donning its armour, in the role of Saint George, blockchain technology can help tame the dragon of corruption by shedding light on state procurement deals.Dupa ce Laura Codruta Kovesi a fost inlaturata, DNA a fost slabit si nu i-ar strica un pic de ajutor. Precum legendarul Sfânt Gheorghe, tehnologiile blockchain pot juca un rol determinant in lupta cu dragonul coruptiei gratie transparentei pe care o put impune in procesele de achizitie publice.

Jan van der Straet, St. George and the Dragon (1563-1564)

Of course that is the very reason why the Romanian government would never conceive of tracking public procurement deals on a publicly readable blockchain. It would be like asking turkeys to vote for Christmas! The only way such a thing could happen is ... as a consequence of a Directive (or even better, a Regulation) from the European Commission. Imagine if all EU states were compelled to run all public procurement in full daylight, on a distributed ledger!Desigur este precis motivul pentru care guvernul român nu se va gândi nici un moment sa inregistreze procesele de achizitie publica pe un blockchain accesibil publicului, ar insemna sa-si taie craca de sub picioare! Singura posibilitate ca un astfel de lucru sa se intâmple ar fi o Directiva (sau si mai bine o Regulatie) a Comisiei Europene. Imaginati-va cum ar fi daca toate statele europeene ar fi obligate sa puna procesele de achizitie pe un blockchain vizibil publicului !
In this context, note the web address on the flag. Despite the meetup being in Bucharest, it doesn't read "" but "" (Luxembourg)Si fiindca tot vorbim de autoritatile Uniunii, remarcati adresa de pe steag: nu este "" ci "" (Luxembourg)

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