Squirrel Sunday - Baby Squirrels Leaving the Nest

It is time for another weekend experience featuring baby squirrels on #squirrelsunday

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The baby squirrels are old enough to leave the nest and are quite tame for now.

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You can get quite close to them for photos and sometimes you can even pet them. But watch out their parents will fly down the tree to bite you.

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This guy was still hanging around its parents while trying to get used to the new world.

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After a while it scrambled up the tree with its siblings. Safety in numbers after seeing strange humans walking around at the base of the tree.

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Mom is trying to distance herself from the babies as they are supposed to be getting used to surviving on their own now.

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These two don't want to leave the nest just yet. In a couple days or so they will have to become independent.

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Here is an older baby squirrel that is doing poorly at surviving.

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Poor thing doesn't quite know how to scratch the ticks out of its ears yet. Perhaps an older squirrel will help him figure this skill out. Darn ticks are nasty and all need to be eliminated.

That's all for now, thanks for looking.

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