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Life after school can be many things, to some it's rough as to some it was the begining of greater things.
But if you'll ask me and judging from experience, I'll say for everyone who's schooling especially in this country of ours, it's better to learn a skill as you're still going to school, if not the outcome might not be smiling at all.
After school I face life squarely, I face the other side of life, I battled and wrestle with "Life after sevice." Seriously it's not easy, you know how people will start looking at you when you say or know you're a graduate, the look is different, they will expect you to have something doing at least, and if you're not you'll be tagged a lazy and unserious fellow.
Getting a good job is not quite hard here, because even if you proceed to Masters after your first degree, that doesn't guarantee that you'll get a good job afterwards, we're in a country where the most accessible job around is being a private school teacher, which comes with little pay.

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When I was still in school my dad was still working with a construction company but life happens some months after my national youth service, so when I finished service, no more allowance for being a corper and also no more allowance or pocket money from my dad, all the source where I get money from stopped. So it was more like someone coming from square one. I have to start from the very beginning again, but thank God I have little money with me, the money I safe during NYSC, I was using that to sustain till I got a job as a teacher in private school, but before then, I almost saw hell face to face, it's not easy to be spending whereas money is not coming in from any source whatsoever.

There are times that I'll have to task some of my close friends for money, I tried so many things in order to change my jobless status but I was getting a NO, I wrote many application letters both online and offline, all was to no avail. I was beginning to get frustrated and tired of everything, but what can I do than to endure, I know it won't last forever though, so I just have to be patient and keep working hard. So luckily as I've said earlier I got employed into one of the Private schools around my area, I was collecting fifteen thousand naira as salary (about $10). Teaching was the last thing on my list but I don't have a choice than to just settle for it.

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Okay so I was doing this, when the covid-19 issue started, everyone of us were to stay indoor till further notice, after awhile the stay indoor ban was lifted temporarily but at this time I don't want to go back to teaching, I had prefer learning a skill, so I found one I love so much and I went for it, I was leaning when my uncle adviced me to apply for the teaching recruitment that was ongoing by the state government, at first I wanted to decline but I later take to the advice, it was not a private school this time anyways, luckily I was part of those that passed both the exam and interview so I was given the appointment.
But unfortunately, I was posted far away from home, which hindered the progress of the skill I was leaning, so I only have time to continue learning when we're on holiday, I was doing it like that till I gained freedom and became my own boss, luckily my wife also learnt the same skill, so we're starting a joint business very soon by God's grace.

Okay I won't forget to mention that when I got the teaching appointment I get to know about hive through my school pal, vickoly. I'll just say everything keep working out for good, I was coming from a very humble beginning but now the rest is history.
I learn some very important lessons in the process as part of them is that as someone who wants to succeed, giving up is not an option, no matter what comes our way, no matter how hard or difficult life seems to be, we should not give up, for there's light at the end of the tunnel.