It's best to make the right decision

Decision making is a very important part of our lives, something that shouldn't be taken with levity because it determines a lot of things whether it will yield a good result which will certainly make us happy and vice versa, a situation when things don't go as planned which might not put smiles on our faces. So when making decisions one needs to be very careful, having no reason at all to be in haste because the result might not be reversible, so one needs to take his or her time and also take the necessary steps that will in turn yield a positive result.
Certainly there are times when I've made some decisions that later put me in a hard state and there are times that my decisions is still putting smile on my face till date.

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Talking about some of the decisions I made which turn out so good for me, I'll briefly talk about three, the first was the course I studied in the university, I'm happy that I chose this part, maybe if I had studied something else I might be regretting till date end up being so useless to myself and my society, but I later chose the best course in the world, computer science. I love systems so much, anything that has to do with operating computer system is my thing, and now I'm enjoying the benefits of studying this great course because it has made me so versatile.

Also the decision I made to get married to my lovely wife was one of the best decision I've ever made. Even though we've known each other for so many years now, but we don't even think of settling down with each other, we were just friends, it's a long story though, but at the long run we took the great step and here we're enjoying the benefits of our decision. And not only happy with the decision of settling down with each other but also bringing the decision to reality last year December, at first I use to imagine how it will be possible, because it's a very great task, but God made everything easy. I took a bold step after my marriage which I might not have taken if I had shifted the wedding to this year.

The third decision was joining hive blockchain, I was telling my mentor sometime ago that I'm so grateful that he showed me the way to hive, the way to success and I'm also happy that I followed the advice and work on myself in getting to where I'm today. I know how much this great platform has helped me, I can't say it all. It got to a point that my offline job became my side hustle while hive was and my main job. Truth to be I'm grateful that I was able to believe my mentor by giving this platform a trial because I've tried a lot of platform but end up being a big scam but hive blockchain is more than just a blogging platform,to some of us it's our business, our way, our thing that we can't do without. Normally if you're on hive, believe me you're on the right path.

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Before I take decisions at all I will
make sure that I give it a good thought for as long as possible before arriving at any conclusion, sometimes if need be I'll inform people that I know could give me reasonable ideas and even after the advice I'll still sit down to think and decide if it's good to follow or not.
It's better to take ones time to think well before making decisions rather than being in haste and end up regretting. I only work with time when making decisions if the time frame is not that much.
Meanwhile even after much thought and planning if my decision didn't work out or bring out a good result, I'll take the fault, not putting the blame on anyone. I'll rather work on myself the more so as to avoid negative results in my consequent decisions.


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