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How our government treats us in this part of the world

There are different sets of government, there are some that are doing well and some aren't doing well at all. Anyways I believe no government can be good to every citizen, some people will benefit more while some will not benefit enough but in general the number of people that are benefiting should be more than those that aren't seeing enough of what the government is doing for the progress of the state or country.
Talking about my state, there was a time that the government did something so specular that I couldn't forget, there was a recruitment for teachers that occured three years ago, normally how it's being done is giving people slot probably people that has connection with people at the top.

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Fortunately, the government insisted that the recruitment should be on merit, that's no one should be recruited without being qualified, only those that passed the exam and interview should be employed. That was how other people and myself were recruited without much stress, all those that did not meet the cut off mark for the exam were all exempted, unlike before that those without good grades would be considered. I guessed this is one of the things my state government did that made me so happy.

Nevertheless, there are many things the government is doing that's pissing me off.
The roads are very bad, like I don't know another word I could use to describe how bad it is. It's sad to say but it's just the truth, the way the government is embezzling money is outrageous and alarming.
The former governor of a particular state in my country was arrested recently for embezzling the sum of over Eighty Billion Naira, that's over Eighty Million Dollars, the Economic and financial crime commission are currently on his case, just imagine one person embezzled that huge amount of money, and this is the same governor who suffered his citizens during his tenure, refused to pay state workers as he ought to, meanwhile he's enjoying and frolicking around with state funds.

The money that's meant to serve citizens, just one person packed all to himself, I was reading news yesterday and that was how I was able to know that this same Ex governor made an upfront payment of his children school fees till year 2034.
Obviously he's not the only one in this dirty act, we also have some bad governors, senators, president and so on.

At least I can say alot about my state, how the roads are because I've traveled far and wide all I can say is that I'm not impressed at all, the roads are so bad and to make matters worse the rainy season is exposing how bad the roads are. There are no proper drainage system, so when there's rainfall, the whole road will be filled with water, flood is seriously affecting us here, we just hope the government will do something meaningful about it.

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Another annoying part is the fuel and dollar price that keeps skyrocketing, the price of fuel increased recently even though we don't understand the reason, dollar rate to naira has also been Increasing but the price reduced recently and now it's going up again, why is Naira going down? we don't know.
Whenever there's an increase in the price of fuel and dollar rate, the price of goods and services will follow suit.
Everything is just frustrating and that's why a lot of people are moving out of the country in search for greener pasture.

After all said and done, there are still solutions to all this problems and one of them is giving the Economic and financial crime commission the power to do their work as they ought to, without the people in government interfering, because sometimes these guys wants to work but when the people in higher authorities come in again, they subdue their power and bury the case. While doing this, a body should also be put in place to check the economic and financial crime commission aswell. Nobody is above the law, so even those they are checking people, they should also be checked.
With this, I believe things will get better to some extent if not solve our problem completely, because there are a lot of corrupt leaders already.
God bless my country.