Here comes the hyperinflation and peer pressure to get a prick


I grew up on a diet of adverts telling me not to be peer pressured into taking experimental drugs.

On TV in the UK we had a constant bombardment for decades about not taking experimental drugs.
It was every day, 1 was don't be like Kevin as I remember.

My how the tide turns hey.
If you have paid any attention the convid-1984 prick is a trial until 2023. So that means the mRNA prick is a trial drug or experiment yes?
As convid has never been isolated via Koch Postulates they have no convid to put in the gene (cough cough terrorism) therapy.

That matters not, now there is peer pressure to take this experimental drug yes?

There are also governments trying to shame people into taking it, there was the promise that after the prick you could go on holiday abroad yes? Erm no you can not without having the prick and 3 PCR tests..

You could take your chances at the airport I suppose without being pricked. Spend 10 grand on a holiday for 4 people. 1 tests positive with the unreliable PCR test and bingo, holiday gone and self isolate your perfectly healthy family instead of going abroad on holiday.

I met a Polish guy the other day, he arrived last Friday from the UK. He left to go back to the UK today (sucker) as he has a business there, he paid 40 GBP to a doctor for a stamped vax passport to avoid all that crap and to avoid the mRNA prick.

You see we now have a black market for vax passports, and to me this was so obviously going to happen was it not?

You can get them here for 5 GBP too.

Before I move swiftly on to hyperinflation, have a superb video for free.

I have been saying since 2008 Fiat was heading for hyperinflation, boom here it is.

Having studied the modern monetary system theory and the principles there of for over 40 years, and having a pretty good grasp with regards to every note printed devalues your notes in your bank and your pocket, or credit/debit card for that matter.
And having watched a beer go from 15 Pence UK to near 5 GBP now. You can see how money has devalued with the constant printing of it.

Last year and this year I have to say is the most idiotic I have seen the monetary system in my life.
The fed seems to think printing trillions (a word most people had never heard of until recently) Will fix the monetary system is not only insane, it also leads to hyperinflation.

Have you noticed the price of everyday basics going up this year yet? And your wages not increasing to match.

Over the last 20 years wages have for most stagnated, whilst the value of the money you hold has devalued.

I will give you a prime example. Here in Poland.

The highest denomination of Polish zloty which is their currency was for over a decade 200zl.
This year food prices have seen a 30% increase and last year a 20% increase. So now the bank as of last week are now printing a 500zl banknote.

Nobodies wages have gone up. But the money is worth less so they have to print higher value notes.
Poland has been through hyperinflation as recently as 1989.

The 1000zl became a 1 million zl note in 3 years, then they reset back to 100zl from 1 million zl notes.

Argentina are experts at great resets and hyperinflation.

A good explanation below.

The end is nigh for Fiat, good riddance to it too.

My hope is as such.

  • We can get to a situation where we have a truly stable crypto shops will adopt.

  • We can make a version of the likes of eBay but using crypto and possibly apps.

  • We can already trade wallet to wallet cutting out banksters and government. I hope it becomes mass adopted.

  • Trust a word unheard of in government. I suggest a trust coin in our own digital format or a freedom coin.

  • I hope those that want cash in pocket still get serviced by citizens who make small to medium silver and gold coins.

  • I hope we can do better than having the new track and trace central bank digital, virtual tokens before they roll out in 2023.

  • I hope someone is brave enough to make a buy and sell crypto exchange all in one with very low fees to attract the masses.

Seems like a long wish list. I feel certain you can add to said list.

Fire away below.

Have a superb day. Let me know if your country is going through inflation and or food shortages, always good to hear from around the globe we call home named earth.

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