Buying Baby Needs Using Tik Tok Voucher

Lately, I have decided to use all the vouchers given to me by TikTok to purchase baby items that I can use for my baby.

A voucher is different from a commission. A commission is what you earn when someone buys the product you are promoting, which you can cash out.
On the other hand, vouchers are given to you by TikTok, cannot be converted to cash but you can use them to purchase products from sellers. The products you buy using vouchers should be promoted.


Before, I always used my voucher to buy kitchen tools like a blender, Mixer, etc. However, lately, I have decided to buy things for my baby so that I can also save money and have an item to promote at the same time.

The first things I have bought are baby clothes, an anti-mosquito net, and a bathtub. I really want to buy a bottle cleaner and an electric breast pump, but I need to add cash from my wallet because the voucher amount is not enough. It is only $30, so maybe I will just purchase them with my future voucher.

I used to work as an online casino dealer before, but I guess when the baby comes out, I will just be a stay home mother and make TikTok affiliate my new work.

The good news is that recently, shops have been contacting me, asking if I can promote their products. I don't get paid extra for that, but the benefit is that I don't need to ask for free samples anymore, and they give me a chance to pick which products in their shop I want to promote.


I am nervous and excited at the same time. Sometimes I still can't believe that I am already a mother. Thank you, guys! Please don't forget to support me by following my TikTok channel.


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