Having decided to participate in the @lemouth project, you can find the introduction post here:
here is my progression:
1- As I don't have a dedicated Linux machine, I chose the option that seemed the easiest, using Virtualbox.
2- I used the following tutorial, it is in French but understandable by all and I am sure there are others in your language. It is very simple.
3- To install the project software you will need to add C++ and Fortran to your Ubuntu.
For C++ open a terminal (CTRL ALT T) and enter:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
To install Fortran:
sudo apt-get install gfortran
4- After that i just followed all steps explained by @lemouth in his post and installed all the softwares.
5- Then i went to the final task, the tutorial and i got my first results:
6- I think I'm ready for more complex calculations, but I'm not sure how to share the results.