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Quest For Stoken Now With Hive Integration and Gameplay Updates


Hello everyone at the Skate.Hive community! This will be my third post about Quest for Stoken which was a 2D platformer game which for months now, has been running on Play2Earn mode with its Hive Blockchain Integration so everyone can now compete for the highs core and have the chance to earn some crypto. All you need to do is to go visit the and login using your Hive username. You will know that your account was logged in when when your username shows on the game screen.


As you know, I was one of the few that was actually beat the game during the test run and with that, I was one of those that receives their Quest for token NFT which you can see at NFT showroom and a POAP (Proof-Of-Actually-Playing) which is to say that I am quite knowledgeable about the game and on this post, I have wrote my newest review about the game.

The Controls

During the test run, I mentioned that the game have no tutorials which made it a little difficult for me to play the game but as they continued to develop the game they have include tutorials inside the game and at the same time, the controls were also shown on the game site so it makes playing the game way easier specially to the new players though its not updated so I took the liberty to modify the control.


There were also some change that was made to the controls of the game if we compared on the test run. Previously, when I press R, it would restart the game but now, it does not do anything. As for navigation previously, I can use A and D to move but now, I used Left and Right arrow keys in order to move. They also change the attack button from shift to Z and shield from Z to C. The rest of the controls from the test run have been retained such as the jump using Space, double jump using Double Space and the interact using X.

Aside from this, there were other controls that were added in the game. First, by holding the A button will make you run and jump faster which is essential if you are playing a speed run of the game then along the way, there were weapons that you can pick that will help you beat the opponent and in order to use them you need to press the V button.

Overall, with the newest update, the current configuration of the controls has made the task divided with both hands which makes it easier to navigate.

The Game

To finish the game you need to reach the Skatehive but to reach it you need to cross among different stages where different types of opponents will try to beat you. You will have 3 lives and each lives can sustain up to 5 damage but when all was consumed, it will be game over for you. But rest assured cause as you beat the opponents, grown weed trees and activate wallet, you can increase your health by collecting the tokens and weeds. There were a total of 16 stages by which have undergone some changes compared to the test run while other have undergone a compete rework have increased the difficulty of the game. There were also new stages that does not exist during the test run.

Stage 1:


This stage does not exists during the test run and was more of a tutorial stage which as you can see on the image, the controls are shown. It was quite long but there was only 2 enemies so you can take your time to practice with the controls before you proceed to the next stage.

Stage 2:


This was originally the stage 1 and was mostly the same from the test run aside from the addition of mushrooms, weed tree and the goggles that can be worn as accessory. There are also only 2 enemies on this stage so it was more of a warm up stage and quite easy to pass.

Stage 3


This is where the enemies starts to come in numbers and what's more is that there were stalking enemies which means that unless you beat them, they will follow you until you get out of this stage. It was easier to cross the rails because there were less enemies but beware of the holes. You can also pick a pistol on this stage which you can use to shoot enemies on the distance.

Stage 4


More stalking enemies on this stage and at the end of the rails that you can enter to enter the hidden stage but if you enter right away, you won't be able to get back on this stage again so I decided to explore the rest of the stage first where I encounter what should be the boss of this stage and defeated it but on my surprise, there was another boss that was waiting at the entrance of the museum that looks quite powerful so instead of facing it, I take a good distance from it and shoot with the pistol. After that, I go back to the portal at the end of the rail track.

Hidden Stage 1


By entering the portal you will be transferred to Greece which there was not that many opponents but beware of lighting strikes from above. You will also face Zeus on this stage for the boss but after beating it, you will come across Pepe the Frog which I find difficulty defeating and has lost some lives.

Hidden Stage 2


Entering hidden stage 2, we go deep into the ocean by which our skater boy has no problem breathing by any means. Along the way we will be facing sharks but aside from that, there will be no difficult enemies compared to hidden stage 1.

Stage 5


If we do not enter the portal in stage 4, we will go straight in this stage where different artworks was displayed but also comes with aliens opponents, some inside a UFO that will follow you and the aliens inside barely change position but shooting mid rage electricity.

Stage 6


For some reason, exiting the museum transfers you at the outer space but what is more shocking was that this stage got a complete rework and was an entirely different stage not only from the test run but also from the last time that I played and that has caused me to stay quite long and died several times on this stage. As this was space, the gravity was lighter so you can jump higher in here. However, when I tried to follow the direction, I can't just seem to jump high enough even with the help of the mushroom so I find an alternate way to pass the stage.

Stage 7


This stage also come with a complete rework but unlike the previous stage, I find it easier to finish this round though I still died several times. The opponents were the same as with the last stage and there was a pistol in here but getting it was quite difficult so I decided to skip getting it.

Stage 8


This stage have undergone some changes was almost the same as when I last played and the only difference is that it has been reversed where the supposed exit becomes the starting point and the starting point becomes the exit. The opponents here were the same as previous round and you can get the pistol right away to make it easier to defeat opponents in distance.

Stage 9


This stage does not exists from the last time that I played and I should say to be the most difficult stage that I ever play. To begin with, there were this walls that blocks the way and you need to press the switch to disable them then there was this flying opponent that instead of stalking, it takes its distance away from me and shoots projectiles that bounces to any solid objects. To beat them, you can you can hit the projectiles back to it but the timing and the layout of the stage makes it hard to return the projectiles to the enemy. I also did not know that you can shoot the goggles to press the switch which resulted for me to die several times and spend a long time on this stage.

Stage 10


This stage was the shortest among all and was almost the same when I last played aside from that you can get the Eye of the Pyramid which shoots laser that you can equip together with the pistol. You will face against the Astronaut that we met during the stage 1 but this time, it was as an enemy by which is quite difficult to defeat due to its longer attack range when swinging the flag but with us equipped with having 2 long range items in our possession, this stage was nothing but a walk in the park.

Stage 11


There was nothing really different on this stage from the last time that I played aside that you can get an eye of the pyramid on this stage so you can shoot laser against your enemies. Just be ware of the spikes because it would be one- hit kill when you stepped on them.

Stage 12


This was another stage that was not here from the last time that I played which at the starting line, you can get the goggles, the pistol and the eye of the pyramid at the same time but there was almost no enemies at this stage that makes this items quite useless.

Stage 13


There was also nothing much that change on this stage but once again there will be spikes so be careful not to step on them.

Stage 14


We finally reached the final stage which was also the same as before aside from the fact that we can get the eye of the pyramid at the beginning and there will be an opponent that shoots projectiles near the end of the stage. As usual, there was the deadly spikes but it also becomes dangerous because the opponents pop out of nowhere and will try to ambush you. There was an enemy boss at the end of the stage but it was quite easy to escape from it to finish the stage.


And finally, I was able to reach the skatehive or so was what I thought but when I enter the nest which was supposed to show me my final score, I have a black screen and no matter what I do, nothing happens so the only option that I have it to refresh the game but when I do, my progress was lost.

My 2nd Attempt and Highest Score so Far


I tried to play the game once again which takes me 44 minutes to finish and this time I did not activate the weed tree and just go straight to the nest and luckily, I was able to go save my score with the final results of 180445.55 which is by far . This takes me at the 4th place of the leaderboard and was at the 5th for best times.


Earning Mechanics

Each week, there will be a Weekly Quest for Stoken post where the top 15 players who have managed to placed the leaderboard will be sharing the reward pool that was collected through the earnings of the post so the more people who will upvote the post, the higher the reward pool would be. Each of them will also get 1 GNAR token which only 420 pcs will ever exist. Overall, I currently have a total of 12 GNAR tokens which I won during the previous seasons by which some of them, I was able to reach Top 1.

The Weekly Quest For Stoken 050923The Weekly Quest For Stoken 051723

What I Like About The Game

  • Browser Based Game: Indeed, browser games have certain limitations to them if you compared them to many triple A games but it just fits for a 2D game like Quest for Stoken and at the same time, it does not required for you to install any heavy programs which makes it playable even on older computers or computers with no graphics card.

  • Free to Play- Play2Earn: Despite the game being a play2earn, it does not require you to invest anything buy buying NFT's or other assets. As long as you have a Hive account, you can play whenever you want and even when you do not have a Hive account you can still play the game as a guest.

  • There is a Lore: I'm not sure when it was included but a lore was added to the game which tells you the backstory of the game and be more engaged with the world of Quest for Stoken.

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a magical kingdom called Skatehive. This kingdom was built upon the anti-establishment roots of skateboarding, where people came together to reclaim control of their activities from the social media giants. The people of Skatehive were passionate and committed, and they had been building their community for over four years....

  • New and Reworked Stages: Adding new stages and reworking the older once makes it feel like a different game and at the same time, gives new experience. After a few months of not playing I was surprised by how much the far the game has change and how difficult has it become which makes clearing the game very satisfactory.

  • **Improve Animation and added animations to the Character: At stationary would get down on his skateboard and roll it. When it uses double jump, it would either perform a hardflip, kickflip or 360 flip. When it moves on inclined angles or smooth surfaces, it would have the slide animation which is to say that the developers have been trying to include skate boarding techniques to the game.

Game Criticism

  • Game Bugs

Aside from the bug at the end of the game that causes me to lose my progress there were some other bugs in the game such as on stage 3 where animation becomes a little slow and being stuck at some place but if you use the right click, you can get out of them although it causes 1 of your life. However, if you press the space multiple times at the beginning of the game, your character gets stocked at the wall and even when you press the right click, you still get stocked in the wall. If you continue to do this, you will only lose all your lives until its game over but when you start a new game, the game over screen does not go away which makes refreshing the site the only way to continue playing the game.

I'm not really sure if this is a bug or a trick intended t make the game harder but when shooting at the police using laser, it just passes but they were taking damage if I were shooting at their feet or when they jump.

  • Game Difficulty All Over the Place

From stages 1- 4, I think that the difficulty progression of the game was just all right with how it ended with 2 boss enemies but when you enter the hidden stage 1, although there was not that many opponents, there were falling lightning that could damage you while you also got to face 2 boss enemies then on hidden stage 2, there was more enemies but there was no boss. It may be better to put the other boss at the hidden stage 2 to balance the difficulty of the stages. On the other hand, although I enjoy the challenge that stages 6-9 that has undergone a massive rework, It does not made sense that this stages becomes the hardest part of the game compared to the remaining stages.

  • Empty Stage

Despite having the Eye of the pyramid, and the pistol, there was only one opponent on this stage. It might be like a bonus stage because the environment on this stage was very different from the stage before and after it but it does not made sense to me why this stage was empty. My guess was that it was still in development but if that is the case, might as well remove it until its finally done.


By the short time that I was not able to play the game many changes have been made to make the game better and more challenging and I really want to praise @web-gnar and @skatehive for the dedication that they put in their work in order to build an amazing game. Despite that, the game can still be better specially when the bugs that I mentioned above was fixed. Overall, I had a fun time playing the game and was really able to test my gaming skills.

That was all for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one!

Previous Post

Quest for Stoken: The Quest to Find a Fune New Game on Hive
Winning Quest for Stoken Artwork and Finally Beating the Game

The image and screenshots that I taken here belongs to Quest For Stoken and skatehive
The Dividers with the Hive logo in this post were created by thepeakstudio and if you like them you can use them for free, the Hive logo is property of