Result of the Day 2 Challenge of my May 2021 Math trigonometry mini-contest for D.Buzz 😎


A calculator of Ahmad can perform only the sine function in trigonometry. The arc tangent value of an angle is 30.26Β°. What is the sine value of the angle?


no answer 🎯

Short explanation: 30.26Β° (or approximately 0.528 radians) does not constitute a ratio between two sides of a triangle, so arc functions are not applicable. πŸ˜…


The given states that the value of arc tan (ΞΈ) is 30.26Β°, but an arc (inverse) function in trigonometry requires that the result be a ratio between two sides of the triangle depending on the trigonometric function involved. In this case, the arc tangent value of an angle requires the ratio between the length of the opposite side and adjacent side. Since the given is an angle measure in degrees (regardless if it is converted into radian), we cannot get the value of ΞΈ.

Winner: none 🀯

1 HIVE has been split and distributed to the winner of the previous day (Day 1), which is @minus-pi. πŸ’°πŸ˜… (Whether he correctly answered this day's problem or not, since he was the only participant who tried to answer the problem for this day. However, this will affect his share of the prizes for the next few days, if at least one of the succeeding problems has no winner and another participant will have won on any succeeding days.) πŸ€―πŸ€“

  • It looks like @minus-pi assumed that the degree value in the given, when converted to radians, is a substitute to the ratio of the measures of the sides of the triangle. πŸ˜…

Mentions: @jfang003, @holovision, @ahmadmanga (@ahmadmangazap), and @eturnerx (@eturnerx-dbuzz) πŸ€“
Special mentions: @dbuzz, @chrisrice, @jancharlest, and @mehmetfix 🀯

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