Granos de café / Roasted coffee beans


Con los ojos saltones
la rana ha pasado la noche en vela,
pues a confundido unos granos de café
con moscas amargas que no vuelan.

Cuantos cosas raras habrá pensado
creyendo que son sueños placenteros,
como nadar en un lago de malteada de fresa
con rocas blandas de cereza,
y de chocolate amargo los esteros.

With bulging eyes
the frog has been up all night,
Well, he has confused some coffee beans
with bitter flies that do not fly.

How many strange things will he have thought
believing that they are pleasant dreams,
like swimming in a lake of strawberry milkshake
with soft cherry rocks,
and the estuaries of dark chocolate.

Con la mirada fija en el blanco papel, @saulos piensa en unas vacaciones que no llegan. Por una cosa o la otra han tenido que ser aplazadas, pero entre tanto imagina mundos de colores fosforescentes con ranas que indagan, que cuestionan y que se atreven a exigir su derecho de saborear un buen café observando atardeceres hermosos desde el agua.

With his gaze fixed on the white paper, @saulos thinks of a vacation that does not come. For one case or the other it have had to be postponed, but meanwhile he imagine worlds of phosphorescent colors with frogs that inquire, question and dare to demand their right to savor a good coffee while watching beautiful sunsets from the water.

Arte, poesía y reflexión

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