Achieving Success by Facing Fear

Welcome to my blog. I hope everyone is well. Today the weather is quite cold and it rained a lot. Due to which our light also went out. You can appreciate the beauty of the soft light after the rain is over, due to which the weather has cooled down considerably

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This is the 01 Edition of Week 110 of Hive Learners, "Facing My Fears"

Every person is afraid of something and he cannot do the work because of fear because it is a difficult task for him. Fear can arise due to many reasons like overthinking can also cause some fear

How I Faced My Fear

When my matric exams were a month away, my parents told me that if your marks are not in the merit list, you will not be allowed to study further and you will be do to work. I took my parents talk very seriously. I wanted to read further. I wanted to improve my life and become a successful person. So I was afraid that if my marks were not in the merit list, my dream would not be fulfilled. I was quite scared

A month before the exams, gave us leave to prepare for the exams at home. My parents gave me a separate room and said that you should study carefully and said that you should study all day and study at night too. While I was not able to study because of this fear. Every time I sat down to read, I would draw lines with a pencil on a blank register and I would get a headache all the time

It's not that I was an inept student who found studying difficult. I was a very good student and I passed with good marks every time. But I was always confused and scared because my parents always told me that I want your numbers to be good at all times. He used to say the same thing to me whenever I ate or sat next to him. He used to advise me to study all night

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How I Overcame Fear

I told my father that I should join an academy where I can study well. So my father gave me permission and said that it will be as you say but you have to get good marks anyway. I replied encouraging him that I will definitely get good marks. I joined the academy and I felt that I could study better here than at home. At home, I had to listen to my parents' demands all the time, which gave me headaches. Now I used to memorize some lessons in the academy on a daily basis

When I would return home after my leave from the academy, my parents would advise me to study at home too and I would tell them yes I will study at night but don't come to my room and disturb me. I locked the door in the inner in my room and sleep because I know that if I don't get enough sleep, I won't be able to study properly

Days passed by and I prepared well for my exams and thanks to God I got the marks in the merit list and topped the school and I am happy and proud of my hard work

My parents were happy to see my good marks and I think my parents ask me to study only for my better future. But I think parents should not put too much pressure on their children which makes them feel confused and scared

Thank you for Glancing on my blog and remember me always with best wishes✨

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