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Can the universe grant me my wish?.... I wish

It was late in the night, the breeze outside was cool and soft on my skin. I sat on a chair in my corridor, just looking up to the sky and admiring the little twinkling stars that are scattered beautifully all over.

Something caught my eyes, amid the still twinkling stars was a thing moving. I stood up took take a closer look and realized it was a shooting star🌠

Shooting Star

Hi, and welcome to my post today. We all must have had wishes of different kinds, some have more wishes than others, but it is for sure that everyone has had a wish in their lives. But there is a wish that stands out from others, a wish that you hope can be granted this very minute. If you are asked the question below what would be your reply? Here is mine.

If you had one wish to make and that wish should come true, what would it be?

In my previous post I spoke about how early I graduated from high school, let's say 4 - 5 years ago. One thing I didn't mention was that I haven't been admitted into college.

At this point in my life, my most urgent wish is to secure admission to study my dream course, in my dream institution. I am not going to blame my delay on the poor academic system we have in my country (although it is 99% their fault) I'd just say life happened.

Do you want to know why I chose this wish? Read on.

.....and why you would make such a wish

I chose this wish because right now, for some things to take place and for some more things to change in my life I need to get admitted. It is as simple as that, don't bother thinking about what I mean, it is best known to me.

So I ask again, can the universe grant me my wish? I really wish it can.

Thank you for reading.


Worthy Notes

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