Set Traps for Your Opponent with Your Strategy, But Don't Let Your Team Fall into the Trap | Amazing Battle | Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

Hello everyone, Welcome to my Splinterlands Social Media Challenge post. I will talk about my unusual strategy, which I preferred against especially powerful opponents in the Super Sneak ruleset, and also about a amazing battle. I hope it will be useful for you. If you would like to participate in the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge, you can check out this post.

Super Sneak Ruleset

In battles with the Super Sneak ruleset, All Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak Ability, and Monsters with the Sneak Ability target the last Unit on the enemy team instead of the first unit. Therefore, Melee attack Monsters with the Sneak Ability attack the Monster in the last position on the enemy team, and puttin a Monster with Thorns Ability in their target, that is, in the last position, will allow them to suffer. Additionally, including the Amplify Ability in your lineup along with the Thorns Ability will make them suffer more.

  • Sneak Ability : Targets the last Unit on the enemy Team instead of the first Unit.
  • Thorns Ability : When hit with a Melee attack, does 2 Melee damage back to the attacker.
  • Amplify Ability : Increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns damage to all enemy units by 1.

Monsters with the Thorns Ability, do 2 Melee damage to the attacker when hit with a Melee attack, while the Amplify Ability increases Thorns damage by 1. Therefore, Thorns Ability and Amplify Ability are a combination that can be very effective against melee attack monsters.

Let's examine what I explained above in a battle.


Battle Link

Battle Ruleset

  • Weak Magic: Magic attacks hit Armor before reducing Health.
  • Heavy Hitters: All Monsters have the Knock Out ability.
  • Super Sneak: All Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability.

According to the rulesets of the battle, in this battle, All Melee Attack Monsters will gain the Sneak ability, and All Monsters will gain the Knock Out ability, and Magic attacks will hit Armor before reducing Health.

In fact, the most logical thing in such a battle is to use Melee Attack Monsters, but when I examined the last 5 battles of the opposing player before starting the battle, it was almost impossible for me to win this battle with Melee Attack Monsters. The opposing player's deck was much more powerful than my deck in terms of melee units, so I needed a different strategy to win this battle. Although it did not seem advantageous to use magic attack monsters in this battle, I believed that I could win this battle with them with a good strategy, so I decided to use magic attack monsters in this battle.

Even though she doesn't have attack power, I put Evelyn Auvera, who has the Thorns ability, in the last position because I believe she will be effective in this battle. And although I wanted to include the Amplify Ability and Triage Ability in my lineup, I gave up thinking that my strategy of destroying the enemies would be weakened. However, I added Adelade Brightwing, which has the Repair Ability and Resurrect Ability, to my lineup. I was almost certain that the Repair Ability and Resurrect Ability would greatly benefit my strategy in this battle.

I made Helmet Kharafax and Pelacor Conjurer, who do not have attack power, gain 3 magic attack power with the Weapons Training Ability. And I planned to destroy the enemies with Adelade Brightwing, Helmet Kharafax, Aves Sturgis and Pelacor Conjurer. And I put Venari Marksrat with Martyr Ability in the first position.

If I could predict that the enemy in the first position would not have attack power, I would put Dax Paragon with Amplify Ability in the first position, so that Melee attack Monsters with Sneak Ability could be destroyed more easily, but on the other hand, if the enemy in the first position had attack power, it would not be difficult to destroy Dax Paragon.

You can watch the entire battle from the video or from the Battle Link

It was no surprise that the opposing team also had a Monster with Thorns Ability in the last position. Also, using the Daria Dragonscale summoner with melee monsters works most of the time. However, the opposing team doesn't stand a chance against my strategy because all 4 Melee attack Monsters on the opposing team will struggle to destroy Evelyn Auvera and will suffer 2 Melee damage each time they hit her. And even if they destroyed her, she would brought back to life with 1 Health thanks to the Resurrect Ability and they will have to fight to destroy Evelyn Auvera again, who has 9 armor. And destroying Evelyn Auvera twice meant that some of the opposing team's melee attack monsters would also be destroyed.

Even though I chose an unusual strategy according to the ruleset of the battle, my strategy in this battle worked very well and my team won the battle quite easily against a powerful team. In fact, the most important reason why I won this battle was that I examined the recent 5 battles of the opponent player before the battle and determined my strategy accordingly, and thus I easily won a battle that could have been quite difficult. If I had not examined the recent 5 battles of the opposing player, I would have preferred melee attack monsters and lost this battle. Therefore, if you want to win the battles, I recommend that you first review the recent 5 battles of your opponents and determine your strategy according to the battle rulesets, and in this way, you can beat much more powerful teams, or at least increase your chances of winning.

All Images Taken from

What are your thoughts on the battle and my strategy? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

Battle Link

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