Double the mischief

Just a year ago I didn't know much about birds, I was always a "dog person" and somewhat of a cat person too I guess. But this lengthy quarantine session of ours has without a doubt changed my views on domestic birds, starting with pigeons and doves, ending with parakeets.

My love for these clever little creatures keeps on growing as time passes by, especially for these mischievous bunch of parakeets down below. After all the Covid drama started simmering down, we shifted our pigeons and doves towards the countryside, a much more open and suitable area, better suited for such birds.

Soon after though, the house started feeling empty, especially the balcony. So, my father got a bright idea, and decided to go get a pair of parakeets.

These mischievous little things surely did brighten up our day, without fail. I really didn't know that these puny little things were capable of wreaking so much havoc to their surroundings. They provide more than enough entertainment, but you'll have to maintain a fair amount of distance for the whole experience haha. They act all nice and behave well when they know someone is around. They only let go and go crazy when no one is around.

We tried training them for a while, maybe get them to behave a little, but it's tough to train more than one bird at the same time. They usually follow and rely on each other, so if one gets scared or doesn't listen, the other ones will just blindly follow.

Yet, they surely have gotten used to us humans lurking around by now, especially the green pair, the ones that have just become parents.






The solo picture above the babies is of the mama bird, she's the smallest in size, yet the most fearsome of the bunch. She has been my favorite from day one, and still remains my favorite.

She was even smaller when we first got her, yet she was the only one that dared to step up to me, speaking and chirping at me every now and then. I feel like she knows that I care. She is also the only one I somehow managed to name, Tuki is the name I went with, even though I don't call her by her name that much, I prefer dear instead.

Tuki is now a grown up, yet she still acts like a young and angry introverted teenager. She likes to be left alone and prefers a bit of space, once in a while she will just go around demanding some piece and quiet haha.

She's quite the poser too, isn't she? Not shy to strike a pose, and on top of it, quite photogenic too I'd say, a perfect, yet rare combo.

For now I'm just waiting for her babies to grow up. I'll surely be trying my best to train them. The teaching process is much easier when they're young, and they learn quite fast as well.



These two here are a part of the timid couple, so timid that they don't even mingle with each other haha. I guess that's why they're the most reckless of the bunch, no responsibilities, just eat, sleep and destroy.

They're just enjoying life for now, no plans to settle down, just YOLO you know haha. If you want a proper laugh and bit of entertainment, then you can just keep an eye on these two around noon.

They will act all nice and shy in front of you, and as soon as you step out, they'll just get back to their monkey business. I believe these two are the ones behind all of the ruckus, and when the damage is done, they'll just point fingers at each other lol. No wonder Tuki hates these two, I see her running after and chasing after these two all the time.

Or maybe Tuki is just jealous of the amount of freedom these two have? Maybe motherhood wasn't on Tuki's mind right now, I guess it's taken toll on her haha.

Jokes apart though, I think she's doing a fabulous job taking care of the little ones. The little ones are growing up fast, they're healthy and noisy, which is actually a good sign haha, and all the credit goes to Tuki.

Well, that's probably it for the update on Tuki and her family. 🐦

On the next post I'll try to capture some proper photos of the little ones, and also mention about their training, and the progress they've managed to make.

Cheers 🥃

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