Simple calculator for working out DEC staking requirements for land....

Having been stacking DEC for LAND staking requirements, given that it's cheap ATM, I got to wondering whether I'm getting close to what I need so I finally got around to calculating the exact amount I'd need if I staked all my cards...

The calculation required a bit of manual labour with Peakmonsters and a spreadsheet with some basic functions that divides the BCX of lower level cards by the total to get the proportion of the 10K DEC you'll need per max card to get its full PP utility.

You can access the DEC for LAND staking calculator spreadsheet tool here.

You can see my own calculations come out to nearly 3.5M DEC required, actually almost double what I'd thought initially!

Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 15.33.38.png

All I've done is entered in the number of cards per level in the first 4 rows and then the corresponding DEC box simply multiplies the number of max cards per 10K to get DEC and then for lower level cards it does that and multiplies per division of BCX.

So for example for the L5 EPIC cards it does no.of cards * 10K * (32/46).

The combining stats are a little different for gold and different edition cars, but the RATIO is very similar, so this is rough, but OK for my purposes.

Also I stopped at Rare L 3 and Common L5 as I know I don't have that many cards lower down than this, so insignificant extra DEC for those for me.

How to calculate yer own needs.

It does require a bit of manual labour I'm afraid...

ONE - Get the data from PeakMonsters...

Go to PeakMonsters and use the filter tool to go through Legendary cards L4, L3, L2, L1 - and for each level select to see the number of each level of card in the select box to the top right....

Repeat for Epic/ Rare/ Common of all levels - it doesn't take too long!

In the screenshot below I've got all the L5 common cards selected and you can see the number top right, so I entered that into the common/ L5 box on the spread sheet.

Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 15.44.21.png

Two - Enter the data for each type of card and Run the calculations!

You can access the DEC for LAND staking calculator spreadsheet tool here.

The formulas should be good.

It's not designed for lower level cards, but you can always add in a couple more rows if need be.

Final thoughts....

I think this is accurate enough, if I've made any errors, feel free to point them out...

NB - I don't think I'll aim for 3M DEC - I'm going to focus on the staking to the better plots initially, and I've already easily got enough DEC for all my legendary, epic, monster and magic plots, so I'm in no rush to push to get all the crappy common land plots working.

They're gonna be a matter of as and when I think.

I've actually got enough for HALF of my card power to get that working initially, that'll do me, but it's nice to know what I could be using!

Of course someone might have already come up with a better calculator that does this automatically, if so drop a link please, but I enjoyed doing this so fair play to me!

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