Just took EVERYTHING out of Panther (BSC), Should have just stuck with Cub!

I pulled EVERYTHING out of PantherSwap a couple of hours ago. I've just had enough of the Panther Price going down and down and down.....
Screenshot 20210630 at 21.41.21.png

I was in these two single asset pools:

Screenshot 20210630 at 21.42.21.png

But the BUSD returns just aren't doing it for me anymore, the CUB returns are better for stables, as are the options on Polygon, and I've decided that BNB isn't an attractive hold anymore so I sold half of it for Matic and ATOM and Stables and staked the other with BUSD on Cub.

(NB I've got a post about that scheduled on @revisesciology!)

I did OK out of Panther, I'm just glad I sold it as I got it, for stables, and that easily covered my deposit fees, but now it's time to get out for sure!

I don't know about you but the Panther price to me looks like it's in the death-throws.

To be honest I wish I'd just stuck with Cub, it would have been much simpler.

In fairness I didn't actually take that much out of Cub to diversify into Panther anyway, only around 10%, which I think was a sensible option.

But in retrospect I probably would have made more had I just kept those funds in Cub because the Cub price has help up better!

Still, you probably won't ever win them all, and I do like to diversify.

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