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It’s been barely two months I joined hive, I still remember the day I joined hive and wrote my introductory post, as soon as I stepped foot here, it’s been nothing but a jolly ride. I started the year with joining hive and ever since it’s been fun filled days writing my experiences and having people relate with my contents, looking forward to comments and posts of my favorite authors on here

I have made a lot of friends here and bonded with a few persons personally and i must say it has all been worth it, I am forever going to be grateful to @estherscott (please don’t get tired of seeing this line and tag) for introducing me to hive.

One thing I am also very grateful for is the newbies initiative @newbies-hive, I am honored to have been picked to be among this batch and I really appreciate this opportunity. Thank you @starstrings01 @aliento @projectmamabg y’all are awesome people.



-posting consistently at least once daily
-participate in all my favorite community’s contest consistently
-reach the 70 reputation mark
-have 700+ hp
-have 400+ followers
-engage in at least 10 posts daily


Presently my reputation is at 61, I keep hearing that it is a lot of progress for someone who just got into hive 2months ago, I am really grateful for that.
My goals to reach the 70 reputation mark and achieve all other goals is simple, I’ll just continue to do what I have been doing since I got on here with much more effort and consistency.

-I will write and publish only quality relatable posts and contents.

-post at least once daily, this I have tried to keep up with since I started publishing articles on hive, I set a target for myself to post at least once daily and so far so good I am proud of my wins in that aspect.

-Engage and gain as much traction as pospossible. Making sure to leave behind thoughtful comments on people’s posts, as well as responding to the Comments under my posts too.

-Continue to participate in contest of my favorite communities. Participating in contests will give me exposure and I will be able to make new friends from all over the world.

-I will try my very best to turn all my life experience into writings, as I like to call it ‘hot gist’ for you guys.

-I will make sure to follow anyone that follows me for sure. And also i will do well to follow new commentator on my Post, all my fellow newbie initiative participants, one by one I will give each and everyone a follow.

-through the upvotes I will receive from commenting and interacting in communities and my feed, and from Posting quality contents, my HP will surely increase.
All my posts are currently setup for 50/50% reward sharing but from now hence forth I will make sure to power up a 100% at least 2 posts a week. That way my HP will grow in due time. And I am more than optimistic that my 700+ hp target can be met.

Another personal goal I would love to achieve on hive is my saving, as tempting as withdrawing and spending hive money can be, I wish to save up as much as I can and enjoy the 1year Apr bonus that comes with it, I am
Currently working on saving up and so far so good I have Been doing well, i am writing this down as a goal so that I can hold myself accountable when ever the temptation to withdraw all my HBD comes.

I am an optimist and once I set my mind to achieve something I usally always get it done, I know for sure I will be able to account for a lot of wins as regards to every goals I have written here at the end of the program.

Well one can never predict what direction life will take but so far for this two months I have been on hive, I haven’t faced any challenge that has stopped me from writing everyday, even when I am so busy with work I still find time to make a post and engage, for example, I was sick all through last week and currently still recovering, yet if you check my blog, you will see that I posted every single day,
Now we can never hope for the worst but unless something fatal or Life and death situation happens (God forbid) I am sure as long as I am mentally stable and my hands aren’t week I can always put in effort into my blog.
So realistically and presently I do not know of any challenge that I might face that will stop me from achieving these goals,
But as life goes, one can never tell,
one thing is sure, I will always put in my best, and where my best doesn’t measure up I will put in an extra extra best till I achieve my goals.
